Chapter 15

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You and Moriarty talked a little more during the night before, you laid on him as he stroked your hair. There wasn't a lot of conversation, it was mostly you trying to pry and him deflecting. That morning though, just as before, you woke up alone. You laid in the lavish duvet and pillows, staring at the ceiling feeling a sense of sadness wash over.

I'm getting too involved.

You let out a deep sigh and got out of the bed to rustle through the bags of clothes you got from the shop. You picked out an outfit for the day and slipped it on, you were starting to get use to the usual silence of the house. You felt the sadness fall off as you saw Sebastian there at the same counter, almost like you were getting a routine between the two.

"Morning." You smiled at him and he returned the favor.

"So, what am I supposed to do when there's no one here? I'm guessing you're not staying long."

Sebastian hummed and put the paper he was reading down, "Anything within reason."

You grabbed your own wrist with a little bit of awkwardness stirring, "Can I go home then? I don't want to be here alone."

Sebastian just nods before getting up, grabbing a set of keys you follow him out of the door, him holding it open for you as you trailed behind. You both walked to the car waiting, and he offered you a cigarette. You took it and he lit it for you before grabbing one of his own. Smoking was starting to burn substantially less, and you were actually starting to like it. On the way to your flat you tried to bug him into what he had to 'take care of' last night, but he would laugh you off saying 'confidential' or 'if I told you, then I'd have to kill you'. 

You waved him off from the entrance of your apartment building, and the day was normal. It felt odd, just sitting at home, reading, ordering food and watching TV. Moriarty had reached out to your job and put you on a leave of absence a while back it seemed, as you called to pick up hours and they were confused that you were even asking. So with a heavy and bored mind, you set your phone down and just tried to fill your time with something, anything really. 

The next few weeks, it was filled with you meeting Sebastian to have him bring you to James's in the evening. Sometimes James would be there, but never was there the morning after. You and Sebastian would smoke together, laugh and gossip. You'd see James and you'd try and learn more and more about him, about was going on, but you were often left feeling frustrated and with no answers. All the while, he kept learning more and more about you- there was a night however, that you felt as if you broke into him, 

"Do you miss your brother?" he scowled at you "Are you serious?" you stopped him before he went into a tirade- "You...killed that one boy when you were so young, do you think your brother knew?" 

You started to realize that you could delve further with him if you appealed to his darker intuitions. 

He swirled his drink in his glass, "Mm, no he didn't. I've always been smarter, more clever, than anyone even when I was young."

"What was your life like when you were young?" he shot you another displeased look, but he started to tell you anyway. His life was perfectly normal, nice parents, youngest of 2 children. There was no typical mass murder environment that seemed to create him, it just always seemed that he had the proclivity to kill. 

Tonight however, it was raining and you held your trench coat tightly as you waited in the street lights for Sebastian. He pulled up and got out of the car, a warm smile looking at you.

"Y/N," he offered you a cigarette that you took.

"How's everything been with James? He's been gone for a while now, no?" You placed the cigarette between your lips. Sebastian had quickly become your only friend, the only person you really talked to save Moriarty. You had no contact with either Holmes, either Watson, or Greg. They never reached out. 

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