Chapter 14

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Most of the car ride back was in silence, you were watching the scenery out of the window, wondering what exactly was becoming of your life.

Sleeping with a killer, willingly dressing up and then going back to him, what is happening to me?

"What am I doing, Sebastian?"

You watched him out of the corner of your eye, he shifted pulling a cigarette out of his pocket pulling one into his own lips before offering you one. You took it, gingerly placing it between your own.

"The roads people go down," he started, lighting the cigarette and then yours "are often shrouded in fog, the end is never clear." 

He turned his eyes to you, a warm look in his eyes, and in that moment you felt safe.

"I can't say what you're doing is smart, or morally right," he continues "but all roads connect, and when the time comes, if it comes, you can always turn onto a different street."

The silence wasn't like how it was with Moriarty, or Mycroft or Sherlock, it was warm and thick, encompassing you and providing a sense of comfort. You turned your head towards him, making full eye contact.

"You're a good girl, Y/N, whatever you choose- I don't think that'll change."

You smiled, and took a long drag off of the cigarette that sent you into a choking fit.

"Have you never smoked before?!" Sebastian was roaring with laughter now.

"I- HCK- No! N-HCK HCK Not really!"

He laughed lowly, and took the cigarette from you, holding it to your lips in his own fingers.

"Breathe slow, right into your lungs, then take a sharp breath after you finish the drag, and breath out."

The air became very...intimate. You followed his instructions, him eyeing you as he held the cigarette for you. You coughed a bit less, and immediately got a large head rush.

"Feel good?"


He chuckled and placed the cigarette betwixt your lips again and continued to drive, smoking himself as the sound of the car was filled with crackles and long breaths between the two of you. You both pulled up to the house not long after, and you looked at Sebastian once again.

"Coming in?"

He shook his head, "No, not tonight, I have some things to take care of."

You nodded and closed the door, he rolled down the passenger window as you started to walk off.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

You turned and smiled, "Goodnight, Sebastian."

You walked through the door, and there was Moriarty sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace, two glasses sitting on coffee table in front of him. The sound of the door closing behind you made him look at you for the first time.

"You're back," he said slyly a victorious grin on his face, "I thought you would've gone back to your flat-"

"I can go there instead if you'd like." you snapped

"No, no, no! That's not what I'm saying at all," he walked over to you a glass now full of amber liquid as he handed it to you and guided you back to the couch where you both sat.

"I'm glad you're here, I want to know more about you."

You raised a brow, "Can't you just figure that out by yourself, y'know, deduce me like Sherlock?"

Full Bodied (A Moriarty x Reader Fic)Where stories live. Discover now