Chapter 5

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Carefully you pulled on a sweater, deciding it was best to act as normal as possible you made your way down and out of the hotel to get some food. Sensitive to all the bodies flowing past you as you strolled down looking for a cafe or a diner situation, something started to feel off.

You felt as if you were being watched, you took a brief glance over your shoulder and two characters seemed to stick out to you.

Both a little over average height, tall, lean, and an almost sickly look painted them both. Black, oily hair, and you couldn't make out their eyes. They were definitely brothers, maybe even twins. 

You immediately got a gut feeling. 

Still walking forward, trying to pay no mind to the figures behind, your search for somewhere to stop became more frantic.

I shouldn't have left the hotel without telling anyone...

Your heart was now beating in your ears, urgently scanning every store front, resisting the urge to look back again, you were considering running at this point. 


You snapped your head to the left, heart stopping when you recognized the tall figure approaching you with a waving hand. It was the tall, gruff man from before that grabbed you before you got in the car with Anthea.

Freezing in place, you were completely unsure of what was going to happen. His face changed from a fake welcoming smile, to disdain and annoyance. Within 2 strides of his long legs he swept his arm around your shoulders and started to guide you forward again. You go to look back at the other men behind you, but his large arm tightens around the nape of your neck, stopping you.

"Don't look back you stupid little girl, they will chew you up and spit you out."

Is he not with Moriarty? Or are the other two not? Maybe neither, could one of them be with Mycroft? Oh dear god, where is he taking me! Do I run? Do-

You snapped out of your thoughts as he turns your body into a small diner. Slowly you looked up at him, his arm still around you while his eyes burned into you. You dare not move until he drops his arm and gives you a snarl-like scowl, his lips and side of his nose tilted upwards before he walks off to the back off the restaurant. 

You sat there alone with a drink for probably 30 minutes before you came to the conclusion that he wasn't coming back. You decided to order, sitting there in confusion. You played with your phone between your fingers, is this something that would warrant alerting either of the Holmes?

No, you could handle this. After all, he left...with no explanation, other than another ominous warning. 

You sighed and started to eat slowly, trying to pass as much time as possible. Hopefully the two men that tailed you were far gone by now. You were starting to calm down, whoever all those people were there was definitely a divide, you wouldn't have to worry about them working together.  It was dusk and the air was cool now, on the way back to the hotel you kept an eye out for anyone that even resembled the men from before, and pleased to say you hadn't spotted anyone. You got to the room and stopped yourself before opening it-

There was a shadow being cast under the door. 

It started to move, then the one shadow became two, and they started moving independently. You could hear slight murmurs beyond the door, and for about the 5th time today your heart dropped. Quietly and slowly, you backed up down the hallway, the whole time watching the shadows under the door. 

"Ma'am did you need something?"

You snapped your head to meet the room service staring at you with a peculiar look, you heard talking within the room and turning your head back towards it you watched the shadows elongate as the men ran towards the door- surely ready to open it and take you.

You ran.

Flying right past the elevator, not daring to look back and slow yourself down, you let your legs become numb with the hot blood pulsing through them. You pushed yourself through the crowd of tourists gathered in the lobby and out onto the sidewalks of London. You swept both ways with your eyes, shaking, mind racing about where to go and what to do when all of a sudden your eyes locked on someone across the street- The man that stood you up at the diner hours before.

Without even looking both ways, you bolted across the dark street- cars screeching and horns blaring at your lack of composure. In seconds you were in front of him, looking up at him and grabbing onto the front of his shirt. That distasteful look was no where to be found, replaced with a wild look of surprise, wide eyes and parted mouth. You had almost collided with the man.

"They're in my hotel room and now they're following behind me!"

You didn't let go of this man, as if you could keep him hostage if you tried. You had no idea why you decided to illicitly place your life in this man's hands rather than stop and call Sherlock or Mycroft. Maybe it was because he was the first person you recognized, even though you've only had a solid 4 minutes of interaction. 

His hand shot up tightly around your wrist, he pulled you quickly and all of a sudden you were in front of him, his back to the street and hotel. He swept his jacket off and over you, tucking your hair into it in order to disguise the length. 

"Go forward."

You immediately did as he commanded and briskly started to walk on. He trailed directly behind you, his large frame covering most of you from sight. You dare not look anywhere else except at what is in front of you, and even then you did so with your head tilted down, avoiding eye contact with all the passerby. 

"Right."  you turned down an alley way,

"Right." you turn again, further down into a shadier part of London.

"Left." making your way through the slums, still not looking up, the man covering you latched his hand onto your arm, abruptly shoving you to the side into a vehicle you didn't even know was waiting there.

The door slammed shut, he sat beside you, large stature almost pressing against your own smaller frame. A blacked out driver started to pull you away from the slums and out onto the road. Finally you worked up the courage to look at the unnamed man next to you.

"Thank you." you squeaked out, a whisper really.

His arms were crossed against his chest and he had a tired annoyed look, as if he were a babysitter not being paid enough. He reached over, plunging a hand into the jacket pocket you still wore.

"Here let me give you it back-"

"Don't bother. Reeks of American now." 

Rude. Seems like he's a man of few words, he pulled out a small gun from the pocket of the jacket.

How did I not notice that? 

It was quiet the rest of the ride, where you were going? No idea. Your phone was still tucked away in your pocket, but for some reason, you felt no need to grab it and call someone. You left your trust in the air between you and this stranger who at the very least, saved you from those two men, twice. Leaning back, relaxing at the realization there's nothing you can do about anything right now.

Full Bodied (A Moriarty x Reader Fic)Where stories live. Discover now