Chapter 13

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You had fallen asleep in James Moriarty's arms the night before, you don't remember when you exactly passed out but it certainly wasn't very quick. You had laid there with him next to you, and you swore he wasn't sleeping either but rather was pretending. After a while you faded out with your hair still wet and the cut on your hip starting to settle into a scar you were sure. 

Now you were awake, light beamed through the windows in the bedroom and you slowly opened your eyes. Moriarty was no longer next to you, he wasn't even in the room. You bent over and picked up his white button up shirt from the night before slipping it on your naked frame.

You walked out of the bedroom and the house was eerily silent, you walked down the hall and walked through the door frame into the kitchen and living area and met with a notorious tall disgruntled figure.

Sebastian looked you up and down, almost dropping the tea he was holding, mouth agape and after a moment he burst into laughter placing the mug down on the counter clutching his stomach. You stood there shocked and a little unnerved as you waited for him to gather himself. Sebastian's laugh faded as he walked over to you, taking in what you were wearing and the marks littering your body.

"I have to say, I was sure he was going to kill you yesterday, at least that's what he expressed." Sebastian chuckled, still smiling widely.

"It's not funny!"

"I know it's not! Now I'll have to deal with you around here and it's going to start smelling like an American broad-"

"I'm not going to be staying here, this was a one time thing."

He hummed and walked off towards his tea, taking a long sip and then looking back at you.

"C'mere," he beckoned you with his hand "you're bleeding."

You looked down at yourself, and there was a large splotch of blood seeping through the shirt by your hip. Walking over to Sebastian, you started to feel a bit naked, just a thin piece of fabric covering all of you with a large demanding man in front of you calling you over like a dog.

You stood in front of Sebastian, he put the tea down and then kneeled down in front of you, his long fingers about to pull back the fabric of the shirt to investigate.

"W-Wait!" he looked up at you, an eyebrow quirked, "I'm not wearing anything under this shirt."

He took your own hand and placed it in the middle of the shirt by your groin.

"Just hold it in place then, I promise I won't take a peek at'cha." he smiled, and in that moment you saw a little bit of an actual person inside of him. He seemed to have a very rough exterior, but the more you interacted he showed that he was a very loyal very caring person. 

Though I'm sure he'd take that as an insult.

He pulled back the corner of the shirt over your hip, all of your thigh, hip and torso exposed for him to see. You watched him as he brushed his thumb over the re-bloodied cut, he was laser focused.

"What. Are you doing Moran?"

You both turned your heads towards the entry way where Moriarty stood, his face dark, and if you weren't so scared of him you'd find the jealousy funny. Sebastian didn't move, but his face portrayed annoyance as he slowly stood up, his hand still at your naked hip.

"She's bleeding, I was going to take care of the cut for her. Do you want her to get an infection?" his voice went back from caring to the cigarette gruffness that was his signature expression.

"You thought it was appropriate to lay your oafish hands on her while she's nude?" Moriarty started to walk over, and Sebastian rolled his eyes. The dynamic between the two was becoming more clear, and it was funny to watch unfold. 

Full Bodied (A Moriarty x Reader Fic)Where stories live. Discover now