Chapter 1

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You awoke to your door creaking, you sat up in bed just sitting there with covers still on, your eyes wide in the darkness of the bedroom- staring at the doorway trying to catch a glimpse of what was going on. 

'It couldn't be Sherlock breaking in could it?' 

 It had been almost 2 years since you've actually seen him in person. Sitting very still you could see a shadow move, very slowly. Very carefully.

When have you known Sherlock to care about waking you?

Your heart was now in your throat, you could barely see and tried to gingerly slip out of your bed in search of something to arm yourself. Slithering over to the closet, you desperately grasped at random objects until you felt a baseball, and sliding your hand to the right you then feel the accompanying bat. You grasped the neck of it, smoothly lowering it out of the top shelf when-

"HHH-" you inhale sharply as someone covers your mouth from behind with their hand, harshly grabbing your neck with the other.

You forgot to keep an ear out, and now he has you.

You started throwing your hands aimlessly, trying to find the bat as he starts dragging and throwing you around to trying to still you. You were spun around and now against the wall, hand still on your neck and the other reaches into his jacket for something.

For what? You didn't want to find out.

You slid down to the ground and started to kick at him. His hand became loose enough for you to launch up at his face, digging your nails into his cheeks- aiming for his eyes. You got a firm enough hold and bit him, your teeth digging into  his face so much you could feel his cheekbone grinding against your molars. He screamed and in an effort to get away ended up letting you go.

You swung your body over, stomach now on the ground with an outstretched hand on the bat. You firmly swung it at your intruder and hit what you assume to be his torso. He yelled out and you scrambled to get on your feet. Readying to swing again you then see a flash of metal in his hand that wasn't there before.

A gun.

Veto the bat idea. 

You ran. You ran past him with no shoes, no phone the only thing in your hands was the bat that you clasped for dear life. You bolt out your front door, down the halls of your apartment complex pining for the front desk. 

You swore you heard a gunshot right after you left. 

You got to the front desk and there was no one, receptionist must've gone for a smoke. You stood there, panting, looking back down the hallway you just sprinted through and heard footsteps slamming towards you. 

Take the elevator? 

No, that just keeps you in the building with him.

Out the door it is. 

You bolted out the front door of the apartment complex in the middle of the cold rainy night. No shoes on, only wearing a wine-colored slip holding a baseball bat. You looked frantically around for anyone, then you spot the receptionist taking a drag, you run over to her, spastically grabbing her shoulders about to tell her to call the police when-


You whipped your head around towards the sound.

In an all black-clad vehicle sitting in the rain, a woman's face is in the lowered back window.


"What are you doing Y/N?! Get in the car, now!"

You let go of your tight grip on the receptionist, desperate to get as far away from the man in the building and slide into the back seat of the car. Anthea scooted over to the other side and told the driver to go. You weren't even sitting, you were on your hands and knees in the back of the car, white-knuckling the baseball bat, staring at her confused and full of adrenaline. You tried to think of what to say first, about what just happened.

"Who's blood is that?"

You looked down at yourself and noticed blood glazed your shoulders, chest, and sprinkled onto the tops of your thighs.

"I-I have no idea, Anthea, this-this MAN! He came into my apartment and grabbed me and then he started to choke me and-!"

"Take a breath, I'm bringing you somewhere safe."

You hadn't moved, you looked like a wild animal you're sure.  Why was Anthea even here? What business did Mycroft send her on? 

And why was it so conveniently close to your apartment?

Full Bodied (A Moriarty x Reader Fic)Where stories live. Discover now