Chapter 7

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You slowly started to wake up, relishing in the warmth surrounding you. The bed was so comfy, and the blankets were fluffy, you definitely felt royal in this bed as gaudy as it might be to some.

"Don't you just look so cozy in my bed?" 

You flew upright, eyes wide open as you realized the situation. You stared right at Moriarty who was standing at the side of the bed, hands in pockets, smiling widely. Before you could protest, he was kneeling on the bed in front of you, lurking towards you and suddenly pushing you onto your back, one of his hands grabbing both of your wrists and pinning them above your head. He straddled over you, pinning you in place as he reached into his pocket with his free hand, pulling out your phone and waving it in front of your face.

"Everyone is so worried about you," he lowered his face close to yours, "are you going to be a good girl and keep this another one of our secrets?"

You slowly nodded yes and he took his weight off you. He stood back up, turning around to the large mirror and fixing himself. You stood as well, with your phone now fully charged you took that as your permission to leave. As you walked by him, clutching yourself, he started to speak again:

"Oh, and do make sure you actually keep this secret a secret,"

His eyes darted at you in the mirror,

"Unlike last time."

Oh shit. Of course he knew. 

You ran by him, sprinting through the house, almost ripping the front door off its hinges to escape. You kept running. Through the gate, down the sidewalk, not stopping until you started to feel your legs burn. Chest rising and falling rapidly, you calm yourself and pull out your phone.

17 missed calls from Mycroft.

5 missed calls from Sherlock.

23 texts from Mycroft.

1 text from Sherlock.

It was all 'where are you', 'what's going on', 'why aren't you at the hotel', and the like. It took almost no debate on who you were going to be calling first.



"Where are you?!" 

A deep sigh of relief, "I don't really know to be honest, can you like GPS me or something?"

There was a loud couple of bangs on the other side of the phone, along with John shouting,

"Busy at the moment, stay where you are I will send someone."


Almost an hour passes and a black car rolls up next to you. The back door opened from the inside and there was Anthea. You slid in next to her, the long ride was mostly silent until you started to reach the familiar roads leading to Mycroft's workplace.

"He's in some meetings throughout the day, you are not allowed to leave before he sees you though."

You didn't even respond, there was no point. You got out of the car and Anthea lead you inside to a small lounge with no one else in it, she left without another word. So there you sat and started the waiting game. Hours passed, and it was 1 in the afternoon now. You were exhausted just sitting there on your phone, waiting for Mycroft.

 As if he couldn't just pop out in between meetings to see me. Pompous prick. 

You started to nod off when a buzz in your lap made you jolt back awake.

'Be a good girl. -JM'

You're stomach sank, was he watching you? You couldn't think on it further as Mycroft waltzed in, giving you nothing but a wave of his hand you followed him to his office. Closing the door behind you Mycroft sat behind his desk, hands folded tightly as he stared at you. Waiting for an explanation. 

Full Bodied (A Moriarty x Reader Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora