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"He still isn't picking up?" Helen, one of the employees I was working with on my designs, asks me with worry in her voice. 

"Nope, he must be busy." I lie, feeling the pain in my gut as I hover over, holding onto my stomach, not knowing if I'd rather throw up or faint. 

"Ma'am are you alright?" Helen jumps up and rushes over towards me, rubbing my back gently as she leans down to look at my face "My dear, you turned green" She whispers as she pushes my hair out of my face "Why don't you sit down? You must be overworked." She comments and I nod my head, feeling my legs and whole body begin to betray me. 

I sit down on the white couch that was in the back of the salon as if we didn't put it in its place yet and I could feel her hand lift my head up to place pillows underneath it. 

"I'll go get you a glass of water" She pats my shoulder but I stop her, shaking my head "No.. thank you, I can do that myself but I need some other kind of help from you" I manage to open my eyes and look at her "Could you call me a taxi?" I force myself to sit up, only to feel dizzy and close my eyes again "Ma'am, please lay down" begging tone in her voice almost makes me cry as if I didn't know someone can take such a care of you that isn't your mother. 

"No.. please, call me Mack. I need to go and see him, I have a bad feeling, please help me.." I begin to beg her back as she kneels down next to me with pen in her hand and fabric meter around her neck, dropping down her sides since we were measuring fabrics just a moment ago. 

I watch her hesitate for a moment before she nods her head and grabs her phone, dialing the taxi "He will be here in 5 minutes, just in time to get you up" her hands grab me under my armpits as she helps me hold my balance once I stand up, my vision becoming more clear and I wrap my arms around her "Thank you Helen, I owe you one" a weak but genuine smile appears on my lips before I head out to wait for the taxi.

Waiting for one, under the sun as the concrete is melting, is not the brightest idea but it was an idea. 

As soon as he pulls up, I get in the front seat since I recognized the driver, Julio "Hola Mack!" he greets me in spanish as I knew a few words of it.

"Hola Julio.." I barely manage to speak as I breath out, leaning my head back in the seat, making him turn to face me with concern "Hospital?" he asks as he turns on the engine ready to drive me there, but I shake my head "Amos Residence" I reply and close my eyes, wanting to make this trip as short as possible.

The ride was quiet but I could feel Julio glancing at me from time to time, even though my eyes were closed. He was a bit older than me, when I say a bit, I mean he was 29. He always looked at me as if I was his younger sister and he always protected Stella and I, took care of us and made us feel safe. 

I could feel his hand on my arm, making me open my eyes to look over at him "We arrived a few minutes ago but it seemed as if you were taking a well needed nap so I let you sleep through but your phone buzzed so I guessed it's your lover" to his words I snap, sitting up straight noticing that I'm feeling better and a nap was probably all I needed. I thank him and hug him before I exist the car, even though he offered to walk me there, I went up by myself.

I checked my phone and noticed that it was a message from Stella asking to hang out at the bar later tonight. I replied with 'quite busy but will make it there around 8pm', since it was only 5pm now. 

I walk through the gates where one of the workers greets me with a smile "Ms. Driscoll welcome, you look wonderful today!" I smile back and say a quiet but loud enough 'thank you', eager to hug Kasper and make all the worries go away.

I walk into the house, noticing how weirdly cold and empty it is, calling out for someone but no one replies. I knock on the Emilio's door but no answer, I'm guessing he is asleep.

I jog up to Kasper's room, noticing the door was open so I quietly make a few steps towards it not knowing if I should expect Kayla again or him and Emilio talking.

I knock on the door gently twice, waiting for an answer but nothing. I make sure my next two knocks are louder and quicker, but still, nothing. I take in a deep breath and decide to peak my head in and see what's going on, but as soon as I took a step closer I noticed papers and glass all over the floor, deciding to open the door wide. 

My mouth drop and I freeze in my spot for a moment as I look at the mess and broken room, just then noticing Kasper laying on the floor, near his desk, unconscious. I run over to him, dropping to my knees next to his body, not wanting to shake him so I don't send his body in shock but instead I check his pulse and breathing, noticing that it is steady now, meaning he will wake up soon and judging by his hands, how cold they were, he was out for a longer time. Probably a few minutes. I cup his head and place it on my lap to lift his head up above the body level so he could breath better and I began to rub his arms gently, helping the blood and circulation flow through his body. I noticed his bloody, cut open knuckles but that is a problem we can solve later.

I brush his hair out of his face, my fingers gently tracing his eyebrows and moving across his forehead into his hair, noticing his eyes twitch but still closed, meaning he is finally gaining conscious back. I decide to quietly speak so he doesn't get scared once he opens his eyes, so I gently place his hand between my hands, feeling it becoming warmer and I speak quietly "Kasper.. Kas.. darling.. Kasper?" 

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