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Since I stayed up until 4 a.m. cause of my overthinking, I woke up at noon and now I have time to shower, get dressed and get ready before I head to work, so I text Stella to leave me a banana cup to eat at work once I get there. She makes the best banana cup in the world and honestly, I wouldn't mind having sugar for extra energy, I will need it anyways. 

I put up my long, wavy hair in a bun with a butterfly, gold hairclip, pull on my overalls, which was a uniform by choice, I felt comfortable wearing it. On the other hand, Stella could always be seen in shorts and crop tops. I preferred long pant overalls with an oversized shirt which I usually tie so it's a handmade crop top. I wrap a red bandana around one of the loops where the belt is supposed to be around the waist, only for it to match my red lipstick. I manage to put on eyeliner, from like 100th time of trying to make the wings look even, a dozen of wet wipes surrounding me from how many times I had to erase it and start over. I put on mascara and a bit of bronzer, since my cheeks and nose were already rose blushed from the sun. 

I walk to my job since it was only a 15 minute walk from my house, as I lived in a small beach house. I look around at all the mansions near by, wondering why people need such big, concrete houses with pools when they have sand and sea right in front of their noses. I have never understood the luxurious lives and surrounding yourself in concrete, cold, grey blocks. It's exactly how their personality is: cold and unapproachable. 

I finally get to work, only for Stella nowhere to be seen and a queue at the bar counter "Hello! Give me one second to set my things down and I'll take your orders!" I say with a polite smile and rush to drop my bag behind counter, then grab a pen and a paper, writing down every  orders. I quickly make everything and serve it to them, then go back to the counter and grab my phone, calling Stella "Where the heck are you?" I snap at her and hear her groan "Mack... I think I ate something bad.." and as soon as she's finished her sentence, I could her hear throw up "Oh God! Where are you?" I ask worriedly while cutting the fruits for a salad "In the hospital.. I called your mom" as I heard hospital, I cut my finger on accident, wincing in pain but trying not to let her hear it, so I wrap my finger with a napkin to stop the bleeding as I hold my phone with my shoulder "Oh good okay, you are in safe hands. Get well soon, I'm taking over here, it's crazy! I'll call you back" I quickly finish the call and go back to making a salad.

The first few hours went by pretty fast and pretty slow at the same time. I couldn't wait for Theo to show up, since I was falling to my nose from work. 

"Hey" I hear unfamiliar voice but as I look up I see a familiar face "Yes? What can I get for you?" I put on a fake smile, but I was falling apart as all I wanted to do was sit and cry. I glance at the clock and Theo was 30 minutes late. Great.

"Oh no.. nothing. I actually wanted to apologize.. for yesterday" I give him a confused look as I try to recall what happened "Oh charger guy! No worries, now sorry, I am reaaally busy" I say and continue making cocktails, placing them on the tray as this one was a big order.

"Yeah, but not for that.. for my mother's behavior" He corrects me, making me glance at him and nod my head before continuing what I was previously doing "It's all right, I'm used to you rich people treating us like slaves, now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do." I give him a cold shoulder as I decorate last drink I was making. 

"At least you can acknowledge my apology and accept it" He keeps on talking to me and I look up at him "Okay, I accept your apology and good job for finding some balls down there to set your nose down from the clouds and apologize to me, a mortal peasant." I snap as I couldn't take it anymore, grab my tray and walk away from him, carrying the drinks to a group of 18 year old boys "This should be fun.." I sigh under my breath and put on a fake smile, fakest I have ever made and I approach them "Hello! Your order is here, who asked for.." I take in a deep breath, getting ready for what's about to happen "...sex on the beach?"

A tall, skinny, dark haired boy stands up and approaches me, making me take a step back with my tray, holding my balance as I'm holding a tray in one and a glass in other hand. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I was the one, but I didn't know it was a drink" He smirks at me, placing his hand on my back and I try to get away from him "Stay away from me, sir" I had to be polite even if they were rude, because John would flip out if I wasn't nice to a customer. 

"Playing hard to get huh?" He comments and the whole group laughs and whistles as he uses his finger to drop one of my overall bralette to my elbow, revealing my shirt and chest "That's a better view.. Next time, a bikini would've been even nicer underneath it" His comment makes me throw up in my mouth and I look around his friend group, trying to find someone who acts normal to stop his friend but they all whistled and cheered on his behavior "Please, get away from me" I mumble quickly as I try to set their drinks down quickly as well, and I could feel him get close to me but nothing happens and everyone goes quiet. As I set the drinks down, I hold onto the tray and turn around to look what is going on.

A man from a few moments ago that was apologizing to me was now holding this boy by the throat, their faces inches away as he threatens to the boy through his teeth "She said, stay away from her." A visible fear was written all over boy's face as he quickly nods his head "Sorry sir.. I will" but instead of releasing him, his grip tightens "Apologize to the lady" He pushes him down to his knees and boy drops in front of me "Sorry ma'am.. I apologize.." The man leans down and pets the boy's hair "Good boy, now take your treat and behave" He treats him like a dog in front of his friend group, I assume it was to humiliate him and since they were whistling it's what they deserve.

I push past them all and hurry back to the counter, dropping the tray down onto it and grabbing onto the counter as my legs and arms shake from what just happened and how I couldn't defend myself, my brain flooding with thoughts of what could've happened if it wasn't for him.

93 DAYS...or longer?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora