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I lean on my elbow, looking over at her "I quit my job.. I quit my family." I make it more clear as I noticed she got uncomfortable by my previous statement. 

"What are you talking about?" She sits up with obvious confusion on her face, as anyone would react if someone told them that they are getting rid of their family for good.

"Exactly what you've heard. I signed the papers, everything now belongs to Emilio." 

"You are crazy! What about all the hard work, sleepless nights, all the energy, love and sacrifices you've made for all that to work as perfectly as it had been for the past years? Kasper..." She places her hands on my chest as we are now facing each other, but still sitting down. 

I cup her cheeks as I look into her eyes "None of that matters if our love is at stake. If having all that means I will loose you, I don't need it. I don't want it. Because all I want is you, Mackenna." I lean in to place a soft kiss on her lips, but she stops me by turning her head slightly to the side "You can't do that because of me.." She whispers, avoiding to make eye contact as my eyes search for hers desperately, looking for comfort I always find in her eyes.

"It's not just for you. It's for my own good and my health as well, but mainly for us. Mackenna, I know I sound crazy right now, as I'm just some guy you've met 3 months ago but... It's how I feel. For the first time in my life I am sure I'm doing the right thing, and if it turns out that I was wrong.. so be it. But I know that now, my heart, mind and soul are united and all have the same answer. The same answer to all my prayers. You, darling, are that answer." I whisper near her ear as I look down at her soft face while she is staring at the sand below us.

All of a sudden, a slow song starts playing on the speakers.

Not to my surprise at least.

"What did you do?" Mackenna lifts her head up slowly, finally looking at me, letting me notice the tears in her eyes, but I somehow knew those were happy tears, as a form of relief. We were finally free. I was finally free. I was all hers, but I was free. 

"It wasn't me, I'm right here" I defend myself and take her hand to lead her towards the ocean.

We let water touch our feet as I hold out my hand for her to take it.

"Shall we dance?" I say, bowing to her, making her giggle as she does the curtsy and nods her head.

I pull her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her waist while looking into her eyes and her hands hold my shoulders.

"You look so wonderful tonight.. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met.. I admire your soul and heart so much, you are so kind and loving, anyone who has you in their life can consider themselves to be lucky." I begin talking to her, loud enough so only she can hear as in the background music plays and waves caress the shore beneath our feet.

"Stop.. you'll make me melt mister." She giggles a bit, trying to hide her blush by looking away for a moment but goes back to looking into my eyes as I guess she couldn't stay away from me for way too long.

"Well.. what if I say that I want to make you mine?" I whisper as I lean in closer to her lips, then glancing into her eyes again.

"I kinda already am yours, but nice of you to finally ask." She gives me her attitude again, which I genuinely loved about her. It made her personality exciting and fun, at times sexy.

"Not what I meant." I reply and all I get in return was a confused look.

To solve the puzzle in her head, I get down on my knee.

"Kasper, what are you doing?! Are you drunk?" She whisper yells and the music stops. Theo could be a DJ for real.

"Mackenna, from the moment I met you I knew there was something special about you. At first, I thought it was the talent you've had to make that strawberry cup, but then once I got to know you over the past three months, I finally understood what drew me to you so strongly. I couldn't stop thinking about you ever since the night we spent here. Then that kiss happened. Our first kiss was the most magical kiss I've ever shared. It was an answer to all my prayers and since then I knew that we are meant to be. That you are my soulmate. We've spent everyday together and got really close. We acted as friends first and ignored what happened at Emilio's birthday but after days of not having you near me I realized that all I was missing was you. When you comforted me during the tough days with Emilio, your hug calmed my mind and your smile calmed my heart. Nothing else mattered more than you from that day. I tried to come up with plans to win you over but all I had to do was to open my heart to you. Then that night happened. The most magical night in my whole fucking life. You made me feel alive again. You made me feel like a man. You showed me what loves means as my whole body was burning from everything I have to give to you. All the love, attention and care you deserve and I haven't given it to anyone before you. You were the first one to meet my parents, the first one to make them sit at the same table for lunch, you helped Emilio and saved his life, you were the first one to step into my bedroom, step into my life and my heart with such an ease no one has ever done before. Everything I do with you, I feel like I'm doing for the first time in my life. You make life beautiful and worth living. You make everyday special. You make my whole life better.
Today, when you came running to me because you've had a feeling I was in danger, when I felt your scent and touch, I felt like I was in heaven. It was a sign that we are meant to be, because you don't get gut feelings towards anyone just like that. 
Then, the argument we've had in salon... You were right. Every single word that has left your lips was true. You've opened my eyes and made me realize what I have with you and how dumb I was to almost lose all of that. 
You were bigger man than I ever was. So I thought, what could make me feel and be a true man? Once again, the answer was you. To change for you, to fight for you and our love. My love I have for you, that cannot be measured or said with words. You've made me a man.
Now all I want to do is make you mine and show you and give you what you deserve. To be loyal, loving and caring towards you. To keep you safe and protected. To spoil you and cherish you everyday.

Mackenna Liam Driscoll, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

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