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I watch her rush back towards the bar so I decide to let go of the immature boys and follow her. On my way there, a message from my mom makes me look at the screen:

Who do you think you are? A superhero saving some girl from what she deserves? It's her job and you are going to rub dirt all over our family name, Kasper.

As much as I wanted to go back to my mother and argue, I have been waiting the whole day to see her so I could apologize and now she is hurt and I could see her crying and shaking at the counter, which is a few more reasons for me to approach her.

I ignore the text message and put my phone back down in my pocket, but at the time I look up, I see the same boy from yesterday hugging her. 

"Great... her boyfriend is here and now I have to deal with him too..." I sigh and whisper to myself, but then decide not to approach them so I stop walking to think for a moment of what to do next.

When we arrived at the beach this morning, I looked everywhere for her and she wasn't there. I thought I wouldn't see her and we were about to go back to our house but then I saw her. She must work in shifts as the other girl, Stella, was working this morning, along with this guy. But why is he back if his shift is over? She must've called him, even though there was no need to, since I'm here. At least she could've thanked me for saving her, but I guess I deserve it. 

We are going home and you better be on your way too, since I can't find you anywhere. Don't embarrass me by running after that girl.

Another text from my mother interrupts my thoughts and I swipe up to answer her but as I type out 'I'm on my way' I notice someone is standing in front of me. It's the guy. Great, now I have to explain to him that I don't want to steal his girl, that I only want to apologize.

"Look, it's not-" I start but he cuts me off "You seemed like you didn't want to order, but to talk to her, sir." He comments and walks away as there was a queue once again at the counter and the girl was standing leaned against the counter, looking at me. 

"Is there anywhere-?" I start but she cuts me off "Follow me" She says and walks to the back, behind the bar where only trees were between the beach and the street, but you couldn't see the street, only hear the cars on the road.

"I would like to apologize-" once again I start talking, but she cuts me off "You don't need to apologize, I-" I decide to cut her off.

"Can you two learn not to cut people off in mid sentence?" I raise my eyebrows looking at her, watching her lips slowly close as she gulps, noticing her red lipstick complimenting her plump, heart shaped lips. I realize that I've been staring at her lips for way too long so I glance up at her eyes, her brown, chocolate eyes, with black eyeliner around them and her long black lashes, making her eyes somehow look mysterious and seductive. I gulp a bit and try to shake off those thoughts, but I could notice her sunburnt cheeks turn a darker shade of pink as she blushes so she probably noticed me staring at her.

"I wanted to apologize for my mother's behavior yesterday and also.." I reach out from my wallet and pull out 100 bucks, handing it to her "This should cover the drinks of those assholes, so you don't have to face them again."

She pushes my hand away lightly, but I shake my head "Please, this is the least I can do.. I will explain to your boyfriend the whole situation so he doesn't think I'm trying to buy you or have you for this cheap amount of money" I reply but her face changes completely and her eyebrows rise "No no.. I'm not saying that for a bigger amount I could buy you, I just wanted to say that.." I take a break not even knowing what I wanted to say and her reaction got me all confused now, so there was no way of getting out of it this time "Just, accept this as a help from a stranger, a selfless deed if you'd like, I have no other way of helping you" I finish finally, licking my lips as they were dry as Sahara from all the talking. 

"Actually... there might be a way" She says, looking up at me before she takes the money and places it in her wallet then grabs my arm with her hand, making me look down at it, noticing how small her hand is around my bicep, trying to flex my arm spontaneously so she could see my muscles, as she drags me back to the bar.

"Theo, we have help for tonight!" She says in excitement to her boyfriend who also works here, Theo.

"Help for what?" I interrupt, thinking about what it could be. There is no way that she thinks I will be a third wheel and -

"Waiter, or bartender, whichever you prefer!" She looks at me over her shoulder, finally letting go of my arm, smiling widely and her eyes giving me a 'please' look.

"Me? No way"

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