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"It's fine if you lie to me, but don't lie yourself." Emilio says from behind me, making me stop staring out the window in his room and shift my focus to him as I turn my body fully to him and lean on the wall. 

"What are you talking about now, Mr. Freud?" I cross my arms over my chest as I smirk while looking at him. He was sitting up in his bed with food tray on his lap that he was almost finished with.

"You know..." he chewed the last bite slow and sloppy, twirling fork in his hand, trying to talk with his hand and entertain me until he swallows food in his mouth "... about Mackenna."

"What about Mackenna?" I shift my weight back to my feet as I move away from the wall, standing in the same place but now my posture was straight as an arrow and my eyebrows furrowed. 

"Her hair." He simply replies, making me even more confused.

"Her blonde hair." He shrugs as he tries to make it more clear.

"Well, actually her hair is milk chocolate brown with golden blonde highlights" I correct his statement, wondering how didn't he notice it had two colors. Is he colorblind?

"Does it smell nice, like strawberry?" He asks, and I clench my fists. Why the hell does he want to know what it smells like?

"No.. no.. It smells more like vanilla and lavender, mixed with some kind of fruit" I once again correct him, being unsure of the exact smell but the only thing I knew is that only by taking a smell of her hair I could fall asleep like a baby.

"Alright, how do her lips taste?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I snap at him, raising my voice a bit and slapping my hands against the side of my thighs in frustration, the whole reaction was like a reflex.

"Dude, you are in love." Emilio comments through a satisfied chuckle. 

"Bullshit. Come on, get up and get ready for your daily walk. I'll be your company, princess." I reply and walk out of his room, not wanting to hear his witty comments anymore.

I jog down the stairs and go to the kitchen, grabbing water bottle from the fridge, smiling at the touch of cold, wet metal bottle, opening it to take a sip of ice cold water, feeling refreshed right away.

I swallow the icy water and I feel it cool down my burning inside, which lights up at the thought of Mackenna. 

After a few minutes of me scrolling through my phone, Emilio comes downstairs and walks towards me but then takes a turn and walks outside to the backyard. I follow his lead placing my phone in my pocket then catching up to him since he wasn't fast walking now.

I place my arm over his shoulders and ruffle his hair up "Sorry for reacting like an asshole" I begin to apologize but he just simply chuckles "A man in love cannot control his acts."

"Wow Shakespeare" I roll my eyes at his poetic comment about my behavior before I move my arm away. 

We spend the next hour walking around our yard, front and back, talking about life and funny moments we remember from our childhood. 

"Do you think I'll ever be able to live life normally again?" Emilio looks over at me, with depression in his voice and sadness in his eyes. Almost as if he gave up on a fight he just started.

"Em.. you are a fighter, you are strong and young. You'll be back to normal in no time. Even if it takes months, but I'm sure - I'll make sure you go back to normal. I'll do anything I need to do." I place my hands on his shoulders as we talk while standing in place, facing each other.

I could notice him looking up at me with hope in his eyes while pressing his lips together to stop himself from saying anything that would come off as weak. 

"Em.. tell me, what is bothering you?" I say in soft tone, offering him comfort.

"It's nothing.. " He manages to speak, but hardly. I could notice tears building up in his eyes and his bottom lip becoming shaky.

"You are my little brother, you can tell me anything. I'm here to help, protect and listen." I assure him, trying to make him comfortable.

But the words that came from his mouth weren't the ones I expected. 

And they cut through my body.

Sharper than sword. 

I felt instant pain in my stomach and all I wanted to do was hug him until all his pain, sadness and fear transferred into my body and let go of him and his fragile heart.

Through cry for help and with tears rolling down his cheeks he finally admitted, his voice going from quiet to loud gradually with each word leaving his mouth

"Kasper, I don't want to die"

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