Love At First Sight: Part 2

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[Alrighty, this is the second part to my short story Love At First Sight. Its going to still be the same formatting from the last one because I think changing POVs every time is cool. But that's just my opinion. So anyways. enjoy girly pops!😁]

(Varian's POV)

I stared into those green eyes for what felt like forever. I finally snaped out of my trance when I herd the boy say, "Are you okay?" I quickly got on my feet and rubbed my arm in embarrassment. As I looked away, face red. I quietly muttered a "Yes" before looking at the guy again and saying, "Thanks" he smiled and said he was glad I was okay. My heart melted at his smile and I smiled back. I then looked around and saw ruddiger walking up to the blonde and pulling on his pant leg while chittering in a happy tone. The stranger bent down and pet him lightly on the head. "Hey little guy." he said with the sweetest voice I've ever herd. As the boy stood up ruddiger climbed up onto his shoulders and chittered into his ears and nuzzled his cheek. The boy laughed and my heart stopped, his laugh was mesmerizing. I then herd a zoom going past my leg and looking down I saw a little robotic mouse holding my blueprints. The little machine held up the papers and I bent down and picked them up and when I did, I put my other hand down and the mouse climbed onto my hand at squeaked at me while nuzzling the thumb it was holding onto for support as my hand lifted from the ground. The boy looked at me as I laughed and said, "Is this little guy yours?" While pointing a Ruddiger.

"Yes, and this yours?" I responded

"Yeah, that's Olivia."

"That's Ruddiger." The green eyed boy looked at him and said,

 "Nice to meet you Ruddiger!" He then held his hand out to mine and Olivia zipped up to my shoulder. I took his hand and shook it and when we touched, I felt sparks. "My name is Hugo. What's yours?" he asked.

"Varian. I've never seen you here before, where are you from?"

"I just moved here from a distant kingdom and now I'm staying with and old friend."

"Oh! That must be hard, to leave your home and move somewhere completely new."

"Yeah, but I think ill like it here."

"I hope you do! Well I best get going! Thanks for catching me!"

"Well you were quite a catch!" I blushed at this. Ruddiger jumped from his shoulders and scurried up mine and Olivia went up to Hugo and zoomed into his jacket pocket. "I guess ill see you around!" I said as I started to turn back towards the castle.

"Yeah, it was nice meeting you!"

"You too!" I rushed to the castle, my face flushed red. As soon as I got to my room I quietly closed the door and sprawled out on my bed replaying what just happened over, and over in my head.

(Hugo's POV)

"Took you long enough!" said Nuru as I sat across from her at the café. 

"Ha, you know me. I take my time." I said though my tone probably told her otherwise, because she asked,

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, someone just ran into me in my way here and now I feel kind of funny."

"What do you mean, funny?" she asked as she raised and eyebrow.

" I don't know. Like warm and fuzzy, but also like I'm going to puke, and I cant get their face out of my head." 

"Ooh, someones in loveee." she said with a smirk on her face. I rolled my eyes.

"How can I fall in love with someone I just met?" 

"Well there is something called, love at first sight. Me and Amber have it. It's when you look into someones eyes and you automatically know that their the one."

"You don't think that it just happened to me? Do you?"

"It's possible." She shrugged. I was about to say something more when we were pulled out of our conversation by Amber bringing us our coffee. "Hmm, love at first sight." I thought as her and Nuru started talking. I took a sip of my black coffee, "Maybe, just maybe."

(To Be Continued...)

[Thanks so much for reading this girlys. I know its a little short, but its longer than part one! I'm trying to work on detail and filling up the space more. I hope you enjoyed part 2! Make sure to tell me what you think about this story in the comments and if you want, make requests! Ill try to post stuff every day but I might not get to it since I'm having to sneak my laptop and use the guest google account because my mom never looks at it, so I can wright every night. Cause were Cristian and she doesn't like gay stuff. But I'm all for it! So please don't hate on me cause of my mom, and don't forget to vote! Thanks and Bye Pookies!😘]

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