Love At First Sight: Part 3

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[Hey girlys! Here's the 3rd part of Love At First Sight, I really hope you've enjoyed it so far because this is my first time writing for the public eye and I am really nervous😓. So please be kind and I'm starting to write a novel called To Throw A Stone, so I might post that soon. Be sure to follow me so you can get a notification when its out! Enjoy!]

(Hugo's POV)

"You really think he's the one?" Olivia looked at me and nodded her head furiously. "But I don't even know who he is or if Ill ever see him again." She squeaked at this. "Ill ask Nuru what she thinks at the café today." I suddenly remembered. "Shoot! I was supposed to meet her there five minutes ago!" I jumped out of my chair at the desk I had been working at and ran out the front door. When I reached the café I saw Nuru with her arms crossed, shaking her head. "Late again."

"I know Nuru I just lost track of time."

"Thinking about that boy?" she said with a small smirk on her lips.

"Maybe." I said as I crossed my arms and turned my head away from her. She uncrossed her arms and went and sat in the booth table and I followed an sat across form her.

"Did you catch his name?"

"Yeah, his name was Varian, and he had this raccoon named Ruddiger who really seemed to like me." she looked at me in shock, then her face spread into a wide smile. "What's that face for?" I said accusingly.

"Oh nothing." she said with a sigh. Her face went back to a normal light smile and she said, "I can't wait for you to meet my other friends."

"Yeah, me too. Where are they?"

"Well lucky for you they are also running a bit late so they will be here soon."

(Varian's POV)

"Your in love, Varian!!" shouted Yong on our way to the café to meet Nuru and her friend that she wanted to introduce us too.

"Quiet down, not so loud!" I hissed.

"Sorry." he whispered back. "It's just exciting!"

"I don't even know if it's love."

"Well it sure sounds like love at first sight to me." Yong shrugged.

"Well I am a man of science and stuff like that can't just happen. Its not logical."

"Oh logic can suck it, your in love. Why don't we ask Nuru her opinion?"

"That's a good idea." We walked on until we got to the café. We stepped inside and I saw Nuru in the booth table sitting with a blonde boy with his hair in a ponytail and half of his head was shaved down. We walked over and Nuru she said, "Oh hey guys! This is my friend Hugo!" As I let the name sink in, he turned to me and when our eyes meet both our faces turned crimson red. I was in such shock that I stumbled backwards. But luckily, Hugo caught me just in time. "Geez Goggles, you really need to work on balance." he said with a smirk. But I could tell he was just as nervous as I was. As he helped me back up Yong looked at us funny. Then he saw me and Hugo's red faces and a goofy grin crept onto his face and he said, "So this is they guy you ran into yesterday. How riveting."

"You don't even know what riveting means Yong." I said as my face turned back to its normal shade.

"Yes I do! It means... it means."

"Don't hurt yourself." Hugo chuckled at my comment and I faced him and said, "Thanks, again."

"No problem freckles!" I blushed at his calling me the nickname. Nuru then spoke up, "Well anyways, now that were all acquainted, can we see the designs for the firework show?"

"Sure!" I said. I took out the blueprints and spread them out on the table. As we all looked down at the paper I couldn't help but notice that Hugo was so close to me. "How are going to make them get up so high?" Nuru asked.

"Ill pack them with a little Flynnolium."

"Ooh good idea."

"What's Flynnolium?" asked Hugo.

"A compound of my own design. I discovered it when I was 14 and I now use it to heat up the boilers under Corona so we can have hot water."

"Wow! Your and alchemist?"

"Yes! You are too?"

"Yeah, and I am also a mechanic." 

"Varian is also the Royal Engineer, and lives in the castle." Yong butt in.

"Oh, Royal Engineer huh, must be a very big responsibility."

"It is." I said as I blushed with the embarrassment of being put on the spot.

"So what designs are you thinking of doing with the fireworks?" asked Nuru.

"We were thinking of doing flowers and the royal crest. oh, and also just regular fireworks." I responded.

"Ok, cool!" Then Amber appeared with the others coffee, and my cocoa.

"You don't drink coffee hairstripe?" questioned Hugo.

"No, I like to stick with my cocoa." I explained, blushing again at the new nickname. "How can you drink yours black, blondie?"

"Well that's what I grew up on. I lived on the streets for most of my life and could only afford black. But even when I was adopted by my mom we still could only afford it. So I just learned to like it."

"Oh, and where is your mom now?"

"I wouldn't know, she disowned me once I turned 18. That's why I moved here."

"Oh my god, I am so sorry."

"Its alright, she was a terrible mom anyways." after he made that comment, we just stared at each other for what felt like forever. We were pulled out of each others gaze by Yong mentioning how his brother was hopefully going to visit them for Valentines day. The rest of the hour went smoothly. All four of us just talked and laughed. Throughout the time me and Hugo glanced at each other, but quickly looked away with a slight dust of pink on our cheeks every time.

(To Be Continued...)

[Thanks for reading this and I posted the first chapter of To Throw A Stone so please check it out! If you have trouble finding it here's the link ( I will post the part 4 tomorrow. Bye Pookies😘!]

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