Love At First Sight: Part 5

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I'M BAACK~ After like 3 days of writing I finally finished part 5! The only reason I finished this was because of the fanart that's above. So basically I looked at it and was like,              "*GASP* ✨Inspiration✨" Anyways, enjoy part 5!

(Hugo's POV)

"Seriously Nuru, today of all days." I say into the phone that's pressed against my ear.

"I'm sorry Hugo. I'm *fake cough* sick. *fake cough*" She says, clearly fake coughing. "You can hangout with Yong and Varian without me, It's not that big a deal."

"Your going to leave me with Varian on a day like today?" I ask with a hint of concern.

"Yes, I'm sorry. But Yong will be there so you won't be distracted~." I can tell by her voice that she's smirking on the other end of the line.

"Ha ha, very funny." I say sarcastically.

"Well, I'm going to watch Gravity Falls and, *fake cough* try to go to sleep. Bye!" She quickly hangs up the phone.

"Bye." I say as I take my phone off my ear and place it into my back pocket. I then enter the café. I see Varian texting someone on his phone near our usual booth. Yong isn't in the café with him. I look at Varian's face as it suddenly turns pale and he starts typing furiously on his phone.

(Varian's POV)

[Text thread: Yong

Y: Hey Vari, I won't be able to make it today. I'm sick.

V: Oh okay, get better soon!

Y: You sure it's okay? You'll be alone with Hugo, on today of all days...

V: Wdym alone, Nuru is coming .

Y: She didn't tell you?

V: Tell me what?

Y: She's sick as well, so only Hugo is coming to the café.


Y: Yeah, sorry.


Y: You'll figure it out. Bye!


I look up from my phone and see Hugo walking towards me with a look of concern etched on his face. "You good, Goggles?" He said as he stood in front of me.

"Oh, um... Y-yeah." I stuttered, realizing how close we were. "Yong just told me that him and Nuru are sick today."

"Yeah-... Wait Yong is sick too!!"

"Yeah, he just texted me." I say, Hugo mumbled something under his breath that I couldn't make it out so I ignored it. We stood in silence for about fifteen seconds.

"Well, why don't just me and you hangout?" Hugo broke the silence.

"Uhh... sure! Sounds fun!"

"Oh, o-okay!" We walk over to our usual booth and sit across from each other. We start talking about normal stuff, and then we ease into the conversation of our life stories. I tell him about how I was in prison for attempted murder and he told me that he didn't  see me any different, which I was relived about because of how people reacted in the past. He told me about his life on the streets, and about his ex-adoptive mom. After a while we walked out of the café and headed towards the square to do some shopping. As we walk through the streets we talk like old friends that have known each other their whole lives. (even though we've only known each other for a little over a week) We make it to the square and start to look around at the shops. "It's a little past noon so we have about four hours until we need to go and set up the fireworks. I explain. "You will help me since Yong is sick, right?" I ask Hugo.

"Of course Hairstripe!" I roll my eyes at the nickname. We walk a little longer and come up on an alchemy shop. 

"Ooh let's go in there!" I say as I grab Hugo by the arm and pull him inside the shop. As I open the doors to the shop I look back at Hugo and see his face is turned away from me, but I can still see the slight blush on his cheeks. As I look at his blushing face my face gets so hot that I have to cover it with my hands. I peek through my fingers to see him still blushing but looking directly at me and rubbing his arm, in the same spot where I dragged him. His facial expression suddenly turns into a smirk as he raises his eyebrows in a teasing manner.

"Flustered now are we? Your royal gogglyness.~" He says in a mocking tone. My hands come off my face as I turn around and start walking towards the first isle in the shop.

"You're so annoying." I say as I role my eyes.

"You flatter me."


So, was is worth the wait? Idk tbh. But jsyk I will continue the next part from the shop, and please be sure to checkout my other stories! Bye Pookies😘!

Word count: 722

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