He's in love

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This is an animatic type thing again.... so yeah.

Remember, quotations are talking and not singing.



*(Cass and Raps are all sitting at the castle fountain talking about Varian's recent strange behavior, when Nuru walks over and asks...)* "What are you talking about?"

Cass: I'm talking about Varian, that's who!

Nuru: What about him?

Cass: He sure is acting fishy lately,

Raps: I'll say! Walking in circles! chasing his tail!

Cass: That boy is up in his feels about something.

Raps: He's dizzy and he's dreamy,

Cass: His heads gone up in smoke,

Raps: His eyes have gone all gleamy, it's like there's no one home,

Cass and Raps: He looks away real dazzed, mumbling stuff to himself.

Nuru *(Now joins the conversation)*: You ask him where he's goin'

Raps: He giggles like a fool,

Nuru: He barly sticks a toe in, down at the swimming pool.

Cass: It's more than just a phase,

Raps: Face it! He's just not himself.

Cass: Is he ill?

Nuru: Or insane?

Raps: Is it water on the brain?

All: What has got him bothered, so?

Nuru: It's the bends!

Raps: It's the flu!

All: Gosh, I wish we had a clue.

Cass: Oh wait!

Raps: Oh dear!

Nuru: Good grief! It's clear...

All: He's in looove!

He's in looove!

Raps: Pounding heart!

All: Ringing bells!

*(Varian walks by, not noticing the girls, since he's in his own world at the moment. They all look at him as he passes.)*

Nuru: Look, I think he's even wearing brand new gloves!

Nuru and Cass: He's in looove! (Raps: In love and it's divine!)

Raps and Nuru: He's in looove! (Cass: That boy's up on cloud nine.)

Nuru: Glory be!

All: Lord above! GOT to be he's in love!

*(Yong walks by trying to find Varian but is stopped by Cass calling out to him.)*

Cass: Hey Yong - d'ya notice anything weird about you-know-who?

Yong: You mean Varian? I'll say!

He acts like he don't see me,

He doesn't even speak,

He treats me like sashimi left over from last week!

You hear him late at night,

Tossin' and turnin' in his bed!

Girls: Shoop, shoop

Shoop, shoop!

Yong: He's moody as a raccoon, (Girls: Shoop, shoop)

Oblivious as rocks, (Girls: Shoop, shoop)

You walk right up and tap him, (Girls: Shoop, shoop)

All: He lays there like a lox!

Yong: As sure as a rabid bite, (Girls: Shoop, shoop)

Somethins' made him lose his head! (Girls: Shoop, shoop)

Girls: He has lost his head!

Yong: And he sighs, and he swoons! (Girls: Ahh, ahh)

And he's hummin' little tunes!

Girls: Even has a sorta glow!

Yong: What on earth could it be?

Girls: Any idiot can see!

Raps: That sigh!

Nuru: That glow!

Cass: That swoon!

Yong: Oh no! He's in looove! (Girls: He's flipped, it never fails!)

He's in looove (Girls: All hot even under a fan!)

See his hips, how they swish! (Girls: Well, well, well)

Girls: Don't you wonder who's the lucky seafood dish?

Yong: He's in looove! (Girls: He's found himself a hunk!)

He's in looove! (Girls: And now he's as good as sunk!)

See him blush!

All: See him grin! GOT to be love he's in!

Yong: Varian-and-someone, sittin' in a tree!

K-I-S-S-I-N-G! (Girls: His cheeks could not flush pinker!)

Yong: It's clear as H2O! 

Girls: He's caught - hook line and sinker!

Cass: Crushed out!

Nuru: Switched on!

Raps: Worked up!

Cass and Nuru: Far gone!

Yong: Knocked down!

Girls: Hard hit!

Yong: In deep!

All: That's it!

Cass: He's in love...

Raps and Nuru: He's in love...

Yong: He's! In! Love!

All: He's in looove!

He's in looove!

Yong: Plain to see!

Girls: Plain to see!

Yong: No mistake!

Girls: No mistake!

Yong: Look at those moonbeams in her wake! (Girls: Oh, look at those moonbeams!)

All: Obvious what they must be symtoms of! 

He's in love!

He's in love! 

Yong and Raps: He's in loooooooove! (Cass and Nuru: Shoop, shoop, iah-rah-rah, he's in love!)



Okay,  thats all! Jsyk, that song is called, "She's in love" from "The Little Mermaid: The Musical" but I had to change most of the lyrics, so it will sound differnt when you listen to it in real life. Anyways, Bye Pookies😘!

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