part 7[planning]

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Kyung mi's p.o.v:
As soon as i got home I quickly change my clothes and called one of my frnd.
'Yes kyung mi is there any problem'
'No...actually yes'
'Tell me what is it'
'Actually umm i-I mean-'
'Why are you hasitating just say it'
'My cousin wants to marry min yoongi but he rejected her and she was crying really badly so I told her that I'll do something'I said in one breath and closed my eyes tightly.
'Yeah plss get a plan ready we I feel bad for her I can't deny her now'
'But how can we its impossible'
'I have a plan just listen to me'
'Go ahead'
Okey so the plan is~~
'Will this work'
'I hope so cause you know he loves her really much and if we just kidnapped her and threatened him that we will kill her or something to that than he will definitely say yes to the marriage.'
'Okey I'll tell everyone here and you sew what will be the backups'
'Okey then sew you on the weekend'
I hung up. Y/n just wait a little bit I will fulfill your half wish then you have to try fulfilling your other half wish.

Soon after that I fell asleep.........

Sooyun's p.o.v :
'Umm haha babyyy'I laughed as he was tickling me.
'What you said you have to telk me something and then started tickling me so thats not my fault'
'Okeeyyy okeyyy stop now I really have to tell you something'I sit up as he stopped tickling me.
'What is it'
'You know we are not getting any profit from your part time job'
'What do you mean?do you want to leave me?'
'Its not like that.see I met a boy almost a month ago when we were at the amusement park and I fall .that night I found his phone on the ground I thought of giving him back his phone so when I was going home from your house I did go to the police station accidentally I met him there.oh yeah on my way to the police station I exchanged our phone no.s
So when I got back home I texted him and we became frnds we started talking more often atleast 3or 4 times a day.
One day he suddenly ask me to meet him when I got to meet him he show me his face and guess who was he?'
'He was min yoongi from bts'I said excitedly.
'WhATT! I mean why would he make frnd with a randome girl'
I know it just happened now listen.we talk a lot and in the evening we go the park I think and there he proposed me and asked me to be his girlfriend.I thought that with you its not enough to fullfill my wishes and he is rich so he can fullfill all of my wishes and yours so I kissed him and said yes to him'I told him .
'Ho-how can you do this to me how I mean you could had just asked me I would do more cheated on me you I just plss leave I don't wanna kill you with ny these hands'He said tearing uo with anger.
'Babes plss listen to me I don't love him I just loves you I am just using hin for his money once I get married to him I will request him to giveme some shares of his property and after that I will leave him and we both can live a happy life'I said cupping his cheeks and then kissed him.
He kissed back.
'I love you'
'I love you too can.'
'If you really love me then show me'
And its just enough I kissed him he kissed back we broke the kiss..
'Let me show you how much love you'he said.
'Plss babes'
And we spend the night just showing each other how much we love each other........

Yoongi' p.o.v:
What the hell was wrong with that girl I feel sorry for her though she must really loves me but someone else has my heart.

I was scrolling through my phone when all the members comes inside and asked "what happened at the fansign with the girl what did you talked about that she was about to cry"

"Hmm i don't know she told me she loves me and can't live without me but i rejected her saying that its about my carriar that's all nothing special"

"But she seems nice"jk mumbled.

I looked at jin and he just nodded as if he knows what I am about to say.

"Actually there's this thing I didn't tell you about guys"

"What"all of them said at once.

"I like a girl.we are dating"

"WHATTTTTT"they said except jin.

"I know its too sudden but its almost a month ago met her and slowly we became frnds then u fell for her and then I proposed and now we are here"

"But you know we are not allowed to be in relationships right"rm said.

"Yeah I know I asked jinhyung and he said that its my choice if you really love her just gi and say I know armies will support you."

"Aahhh our kitty cat is grown up"v said dramatically wiping his fake tears .

"Shut the fuck up alien"I said.

"I am thinking what suga hyung looks like when he is romantic"jimim said.

"Do you all wanna be dead"I said getting irritated.

"Lets get out from here before we found our body lifeless here"said jk and they 3ran off .

"I am happy for yoy hyung but also sad for that girl who ask yoy to marry him"hoseok said.

"Hobaa there's most of the girls that says marry me marry me to there idols it doesn't mean that they really loves you"I said.

"I know they love us as there idol but I see a different emotion in her eyes when she started crying for you"

"She was happy that she saw her bias that was why she was crying don't worry go get some sleep"

"Okey good night"he said and went out with namjoon.

"Let's sleep I am tired"said jinhyung.

"You sleep I'll just call someone"
"No need to tell me that someone"he said laughing.
"Okey byye"I said and go to the terrace.
I called her.
Ring ring ring........
Ring ring ring.........
Ring ring the person you are trying to call is not answering pls try again later.
Hmm why she is not picking up usallly she picks up my call in 3 ring.
I tried calling her again.
No answer.
I call again and she said the trying to call is switched off try again later.
Switched off?hmm let me just call her tommorow.
I come inside and went to sleep................

It was the same day for all p.o.v's .....

If you are interested in this chapter pls vote as much as you can then I could get more inspiration to write more parts and tell me how it's going in comment should I change something or is there any carracter you are not liking anything you are bothered about can tell me in the comment section then I'll try my best to do right.
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