part 9[finally]

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After several days.
Y/n:yes yes o-OK I'll be there in an hour.
I was studying when my phone rang .it was hae won.she said that kyung mi wants to meet me at the place I met her some days ago.and its important for me.
So now I am going to that ware house.
I get in my car and drove off.

I reached there and dialed her no.
She came to open the door smiling at me .I am so nervous what she wants to tell me.
"Come y/n come ."
"Did something happen why did you call me here?
"Aaahhh yeahh right that.the thing is that 2days ago i got a msg from him and he told me to leave her mom or he will tell the cops but somehow I handle that I told him that you have 2 choice 1st is deny the marriage proposal and lose your mom for lifetime.and the 2nd is accept the proposal and we will leave your mom without any harm.the choice is yours."
"Wh-what did he say"
"He say give me some time I gave him time for 1 day then tomorrow night he msg me and said.......................................................YESSSSS!"
"What really!omyygoddd I m so happpyyyyyyyy thank u so much kyungmii I just love you so much"I saif and hugged her tightly.
"I know I know now do you not want to meet your mother-in-law"
"B-but why you know she hates me"
"Aishh idiot you have to make it up to her "
"But how she will never forgive me"
"Do you want to marry yoongi or not ?"
"Yes I want i love him"
"Then you have to love his mom like you love him not only his mom but his whole family when they will love you then yoongi will sure start to fall for you as well"

We went in the basement.and what I saw stopped my heart from beating.there was tied up his mom and her forhead was bleeding she was unconscious .she was looking like she had not eaten for days.
For kyungi mi it may be normal cause she always does this types of things fighting and all that but for me it was my first time seeing someone in this state.

"K-k-kyungmi I-I told you not to hurt her what you did ?"
"Its normal y/n I have to do this cause yoongi was not accepting then I video called him and make him see this "
"B-b-but whyy you could have told me!"
"Hey look I m sorry"
"I-is she alive?"
"Yess ofcourse"
I went near her and shake her a little .
"H-hello""are you okey"
*no answer*
"Why is not she answering"
"She is just unconscious.when she will wake up she will be okey."
"So are you leaving her after she wakes up?"
"No not now we will leave her after your marriage ".
"Now you can gi home anf rest from tomorrow we will start the wedding shopping"
"But why from tomorrow its too early"
"Yeah I know but the longer we will take things can get worse"

I was about to leave when she says something.
"And yeah"
"I will tell yoongi to join us in case I have to go "
"He will not come I know"
"He will just see"
"Okey then"

Yoongi's p.o.v.
"Ahhhhhhh why why whyyyy it has to be me!"he shouts throwing everything that comes in front.
"Yoongi!"yoongi hyung!open the door"
They all were shouting at him go stop him since he locked his door.
Suddenly his phone rang.
It was kyung mi.
"What the fuck do you want now?"he said gritting his teeth.
"I want you to come with us tomorrow for your wedding shopping"
"W-what !I will not come fuvk off"he said shouting at her and was about to hang up.
"You know we still have your mom right?"
"Don't don't you dare touch her again"
"Then you have to come tomorrow"
"Fine"he said and hang up and throw his phone on the mirror.
They all were still outside the door when namjoon said he needs time lets go.
He sit at his bad and lost in his thoughts the memories of sooyun flashes im front if his eyes.and he thinks to call her but her phone was going switched off so he just lay down on his bad lifeless.
"I hate you.I hate you.I hate you so fucking much y/n."
He said and after sometime fell asleep.

Meanwhile y/n.
"Humm humhum hmmhmhmhnhh"she was doing herskincare for tomorrow while humming a song.
"I have to look good for you min
yoongi "
"My love baby darling what will I call you after marriage"
"Omg how will you kiss me like this mmmuaahh"she was talking to herself and making silly faces and pouts .
"Aishhh I love you so damn fucking much yoongi""oh yeah I have to tell dae about all of this and haewon don't worry I will tell them tomorrow."
She said and continue her skincare.

Then after 2 or 3 hours later she also fell asleep saying the words "I love you yoongi"and"finally you are going to be mine"

To be continued.........

Short chapter I know but..
How was it anyway?is the story going well?......

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