thirty five

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chapter thirty five
╰  ( endgame )

💫 ━━ PAISLEY ran beside Morgan Stark, the two of them oblivious to what was happening around them. Neither noticed the black car that had pulled up, or the three people that had gotten out. They were just enjoying having fun, because that was all that mattered, not the future of the past but the moment they were living in.

Pietro sits on the porch swing, a coffee in hand, watching as his child plays and laughs with the child who's grown up as his niece. Pepper is in the kitchen making lunch, Tony was in the garage doing god knows what.

Morgan was running around with a plastic ironman gauntlet on her hand; she was pretending to be her father. Paisley was holding a plastic bow, with plastic arrows that had suction cups at the end; she was pretending to be Clint, the man who her father had sacrificed his life for all those years ago.

"Lunch is ready." Pepper states as she steps onto the porch. "You catch the kids and I'll go get Tony from the garage?"

Pietro nodded and smiled, standing up and placing his coffee on the small table beside him. "Sure, I'll go get them."

He made his way into the open yard, the two children turning towards him and noticing that he was heading right for them. Paisley and Morgan both ran off screaming, laughing and attempting to get away from their father and uncle.

After a few minutes Pietro, who was one speedy person, had gotten the two children, convincing them that if they came in for lunch he would bake with them afterwards.

The three headed towards the house, Pietro watching as the two raced forward and tried to be the first one to Tony who stood at the door. Both children were happy, and that was all that mattered.

As Pietro reached Tony, he stoped and turned around. A black Audi is coming to a stop a few meters away from the small home. Three people get out of the car; Steve, Nat, and Scott. His heart practically stops, knowing that his existence was to be hidden away from everyone. The more people that knew he was alive, the more he feared for his daughters life.

Both the adults share a look and a sigh, each for their own reasons. Pietro will have to explain how he's standing in front of everyone, real and with a beating heart. And Tony doesn't want to hear anything about how they think they can save the world, again.

💫 ━━ SCOTT LANG smiles at Tony and Pietro, "Now, we know what it sounds like..."

"Tony, after everything you've seen — and Pietro, after everything you've been through, is anything really impossible?" Steve asks, looking towards the two who are sitting comfortably beside each other on a porch swing.

Tony shakes his head. "Quantum fluctuation messes with the Planck Scale, which then triggers the Deutsch Proposition. Can we agree on that?"

Everyone besides Tony look puzzled, they have very little knowledge when it comes to science and the things Tony knows.

"In Layman's terms, it means you're not coming home." Tony says, the words dumbed down so that everyone can understand him. He quickly glanced towards the screen door, making sure than the two kids aren't near by and listening.

Scott smiles when he looks towards Tony, he had done it. "I did."

"No, you accidentally survived." Pietro shakes his head and states after hearing the story and what Tony had told the group. It clinked in his head that he hadn't done anything to come home, and that his arrival to earth was purely an accident.

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