twenty two

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chapter twenty two
( homecoming )

💫 ━━ THE building Paisley and Ryder were standing outside collapses. They were told not to go in. Peter had specifically told them that they weren't allowed.

Peter was their babysitter. Tony has sat him down, told him all about their allergies and things to make sure they didn't do. ( like giving Paisley more than two pieces of candy, knowing she would literally bounce off of the walls — or how Ryder is extremely allergic to strawberries. )

But the two hear grunts and cries. And they can't just leave Peter inside a building when they know he's hurt. They can't, and if Tony was here, he would want them to help. Peitro would want them to help, no matter what.

"We need to help him." Paisley says, and Ryder nods. He knows. And that's why he takes the first step towards an entrance where they can hopefully get in.

Ryder taps the bracelet on his wrist. It covers his hand in nano tech, and it starts to spread all over his body. Leaving him in his own Iron Kid suit. He sends a blast through the wall, leaving a hold big enough for him and Paisley to get through.

Paisley uses her magic, which he does with a struggle, but she manages to move just enough of the debris to get to their babysitter.

Peter is underneath a pile of rubble, rock, concrete. He's breathing heavy and his mask is off his head beside him. "Oh, god. Okay, ready?" He attempts to get up, but he fails.

"Hello! Hello! Please. Hey, hey, please. I'm down here. I'm down here. I'm stuck. I'm stuck. I can't move. I can't..." Peter cries, he's hurt, he's failed, he need help. He can't do everything alone. "Pais? Rye?"

"We're here!" Ryder yells out, moving quick towards his babysitter. He didn't believe he needed a babysitter, he's only a year you her than Peter. Paisley on the other hand, he knew she might need a babysitter. "Just wait! We're on our way!"

Paisley trips on something, but she gets back up despite her red and scrapped up knees. Ryder is holding an arm out to help her. With a struggle, they reach where Peter is.

"Pete." Paisley kneels down, holding her hand out and grabbing onto Peters. He squeezed her hand when Ryder tried to move some of the debris off of him. He failed to do it himself. Paisley knew she needed to help. "I can help." 

"No." Peter shakes his head, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I can't let you get hurt."

Paisley doesn't listen to her babysitter. She lets go of Peters hand and grabs ahold a large piece of debris. With a grunt, both her and Ryder lift it just enough that Peter can wiggle his way out.

💫 ━━ THE plane hits a ride and crash lands on the beach of Coney Island.

Peter, Ryder and Paisley roll in the sand. There's fire everywhere, smoke fills their lungs. Everyone ears are ringing, and they all struggle to stay standing on their own two feet.

To make matters worse, the Vulture flies toward them and attacks. Sparks fly from Vulture's wings — there's is serious damage to them.

"Hey, kids."  Toomes smiles wickedly, not that they can see it.

Peter screams as the Vulture grabs him tightly with his claws and punches down as many punches as he can. Ryder blasts a beam of energy from his hand blasters at him, which momentarily knocks him off Peter. Instead of attacking them once more, he spots a crate full of arc reactors. Sparks rain down over him, but he doesn't care.

"Your wing suit. Your wing suit's gonna explode!" Peter yells out, but Toomes doesn't listen.

Peter attaches a web to the crate, Paisley uses her magic to help her pull it towards her and Peter.

"Time to go home, kids."

"We're trying to save you!" Ryder yells out, as loud as he can.

Nothing works. Because when the Vulture had the crate, he flew away only to drop to the ground along with his wing suit. An explosion consumes him, flames surround him.

The three kids run forward, helping each other to help lay Toomes on the sand away from the fire. They all wheeze and cough from the smoke.

"Let's go home, okay? I'll make macaroni." Peter wraps his weak arms around their shoulders, making his way off the sand and towards a street where he could direct them to his apartment. He knew May would be working late tonight, knowing she had a night shift.

💫 ━━ TONY Stark glared at the three kids. His eyes bore holes into theirs with such a force it scared them.

"I told you to babysit them! Not take them on this whole ass adventure."

Somehow Paisley had convinced Peter to take them back to the Avengers tower, where he could make her macaroni there. He couldn't say no to her puppy dog eyes.

"And then you bring them here for MACARONI!"

Tony wasn't happy at all. Paisley has scrapes all over her knees, and her powers flicker every time she uses them. She's way too weak at the moment. And not to mention that Ryder had broken his nano tech suit. How he managed to do it, would forever be a surprise. And he has a cut along his face. Tony was pissed.

"I - what we're you thinking!"

The three stayed quiet. No one said anything. Paisley was looking down with tears in her eyes, upset that Tony was yelling at them. Ryder wouldn't look up at his adoptive father, scared that if he looked up and saw him he might cry too. And poor Peter Parker felt so much guilt on his shoulders, he would ball and ball like a little baby if he looked up at his mentor.

"What do you two have to say for yourselves? Seriously! All I do is try and keep you safe, and you three just managed to what — go off and get hurt! How?!"

"We're sorry, uncle Tony." Paisley whispered, looking up and letting tears trail down her cheeks.

Tony awed, tilting his head as he knelt down and opened his arms wide. "Awe, no, no, please don't cry. I'm so sorry, so so sorry kiddos."

Paisley and Ryder didn't waste any time in throwing themselves at Tony. They sniffled into his shoulders, crying and letting their tears stream down their rosy cheeks.

"Come on, Parker."

Peter slowly moved towards, but when he was close enough, Tony pulled him into the hug.

"I'm sorry kiddos, okay? I just want you all to be safe."


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