twenty five

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chapter twenty five
╰  ( infinity war )

💫 ━━ WANDA steps into the Avengers Compound and expects her niece to come running into her arms. She doesn't.

"Where is Paisley?" Wanda asks Steve, looking towards the man that had helped save Vision in a time when they had been attacked. "Steve?"

Steve is looking towards the ground. He had learnt that Paisley had been with Tony Stark when he had disappeared from the face of the earth without a trace. "With Tony."

Wanda is furious and upset now. She wants her niece back and she'll fight whoever she needs to to get her niece back into her arms.

Paisley is missing, gone from earth, and Wanda has failed her brother.

💫 ━━ A BLUE mist wraps around Tony Starks foot. He's hiding away and trying his best not to be caught by any of the aliens on the ship he and many others had been beamed up into. Tony panicked when he felt the tug against his foot, but realizing that it was indeed not an alien and instead Paisleys magic, he calmed his heart rate.

"Oh, it's just Pais." Tony breathed out, eyeing the blue mist that lead towards what looked to be a cloak. He figured that if he squinted hard enough he would be able to see Paisley, he couldn't.

"Paisley is here?" Peter speaks up from where he is handing from the roof.

"Pais is here dad?" Ryder says as he clings to Peter, scared that the spider boy would drop him to the floor. His nanotech suit has retracted and he's in a hoodie and jeans.

Tony frowns as Peter swings himself and Ryder so they both land on the ground, feet first. The thud they make is quiet, almost not existent, but Tony can't help but worry. All three of his kiddos are on this ship. "What are you two doing here?!"

Ryder looks up at his adoptive father, tugging on his sleeves of his hoodie. "We know what you're gonna say."

"You two should not be here." Tony glared at the two teenage boys in front of him. Reckless, silly, stupid, idiotic — the words just kept ringing in his head.

Peter attempts to smile, but when Tony narrows his eyes at him, he lets the smile drop. "I were gonna go home —"

Tony shook his head. "I don't wanna hear it."

"But it was such a long way down and I just thought about you on the way — and then I saw Ryder and I couldn't just leave him." Peter continues anyways, despite Tony having told him he didn't want to hear it.

Tony sighs, "And now I gotta hear it."

Peter nods, "And I kinda stuck to the side of the ship. And this suit is ridiculously intuitive, by the way. So if anything, it's kinda your fault that I'm here." And that is where he fucked up.

Tony looks towards Peter with a shocked face, glazing at his adoptive son quickly. "Did he just say that?What did you just say, Peter?"

Peter shakes his head quickly, diverting his gaze to the floor. "I take that back. And now I'm here in space."

"Yeah." Tony gives a quick nod before he looks between both teenagers, his eyes darting down afterwards to the blue mist still wrapped around his foot. "Right where I don't want you two to be. This isn't Coney Island. This isn't a field trip. It's one-way ticket. You two hear me? Don't pretend like either of you thought this through. Neither of you could not have possibly thought this through."

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