twenty three

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chapter twenty three
( infinity war )

💫 ━━ PAISLEY stood beside Pepper Potts. Her, Pepper and Tony had gone into the city for some much needed shopping. Okay, Paisley wanted a new dolly for her other dolly.

"Peps?" Paisley looked up from the doll. She and Pepper were in the toy store well Tony was next door in one of the many fancy stores.

"Yes, hun?" Pepper questioned, looking down at her. She smiled.

"When can I see aunt Wanda?" Paisley asked, placing the doll back on the shelf and grabbing the cheaper one. ( In her mind, it looked so much cooler. ) She missed her aunt, and when she lived at the Avengers compound with the rest of her family, she saw her every day.

Tony stepped towards the two, smiling as he reached down and ruffled Paisleys hair. "Soon, Pais."

Paisley looked up at Tony, grinning as she was told she could see her aunt soon. That was one thing Tony helped with after the falling out of the Avengers — he made sure that Paisley had the choice and chance to see her aunt whenever she wanted.

Tony moved around the two, moving so he stood beside Pepper, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "Look, you know how you're having a dream, and in the dream you gotta pee?"

Pepper and Paisley both nodded, "Yeah." The two said in sync, both flashing Tony an odd look.

Tony nodded, continuing on with what he was saying. "Okay, and then you're like; 'Oh my god, there's no bathroom, what am I gonna do?', 'Oh! Someone's watching.', 'I'm gonna go in my pants'."

Paisley nodded eagerly, "And then you wake up, and in real life you actually have to pee!"

"Yes." Tony threw his hands up, chuckling as he did so. The three walked towards the till where Tony paid for Paisleys new doll. Then they left the store, heading towards the trees where they would go for a walk.

Pepper smiled at her husband. "Yeah. Everybody has those dreams."

Tony smiled, "Right! That's the point I'm trying to make. Apropos of that, last night, I dreamt, we had another kid. So real. We named him after your eccentric uncle. Uh, what was his name?"

Pepper nodded in understanding. "Right."

Tony grinned, "Morgan! Morgan."

Pepper tilted her head, her arm wrapped around Paisley who was more interested in the doll she had. "So you woke up, and thought that we were..."

Tony looked excited, "Expecting."

Pepper smiled at her husband, looking down at Paisley. "Yeah."

Tony bounced on the balls of his feet, excited. "Yes?"

Paisley shook her head, "She isn't."

Tony tilted his head towards Paisley, who was growing like a weed. "How do you know, kiddo?"

"I don't hear a heartbeat." Paisley shrugged, looking up at Tony and Pepper. "When I do I'll tell you both!"

Tony frowned, "I had a dream about it. It was so real."

Pepper untied Tony's hoodie that hung around his neck, tapping the arc reactor gently. "If you wanted to have another kid, you wouldn't have done that."

Tony smirked goofily. "I'm glad you brought this up, 'cause it's nothing. It's just a housing unit for nano particles."

Pepper chuckled, "It's not helping your case, okay?"

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