066. sugar rush

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They're on a case and Sam, Miranda, and the kids are in their motel room. The two younger kids are asleep and Carly is coloring.

"Carls, come on. Time for bed." Sam tells her.

"I'm not tired." She grumbles, focusing on the coloring book. Sam and Miranda share a look when the girl yawns, contradicting her statement.

"If you go to sleep, I won't make you do math tomorrow." Sam bribes.

"Really?" Carly perks up.

"Mm-hmm." Sam nods. "We'll have a math free day."

"Sweet." Carly immediately gets up and closes her coloring book.

"Go brush your teeth." Miranda orders, the girl running to the bathroom. "You're not tricking her, are you?" She quietly asks.

"No. No, I-I like not fearing for my life. I know not to trick her." Sam quietly laughs. Miranda giggles, the two turning when there's a knock on the door. Sam motions for Miranda to stay back, the woman glancing over at her sleeping children.

Sam grabs his gun and cocks it, opening the door a little bit.

"Yeah?" Sam asks the teen boy on the other side of the door.

"Hiya, Sammy." He smirks.

"Dean?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." Dean moves past Sam, going into the room. "Amanda."

"What the fuck?" Miranda frowns, looking at her husband who is just as clueless.

Dean pulls a duffel bag out from under the bed and puts it on the bed, rummaging through it.

"W-wait a second. Y-you're a--" Sam starts.

"Uh-huh." Dean nods.

"How?" Sam asks.

"No clue." Dean says, loading and unloading a gun. "Some Scarface looking dude, bright light." He loads the gun and cocks it. "Next thing I know, I wake up looking like Bieber."

"Why would someone turn you into--"

"Don't know." Dean cuts his brother's question off, tucking his gun into his pants. "Don't care. Hey, we got any grenades?"

"What?" Sam asks. Dean tries to pass him, but he stops his still shorter brother. "Don't-- wait, wait, wait. Wait a second. Talk to me."

"Really, Sam? Now? I got no grass on the infield, and a girl's gonna die. Sorry if I'm not in a chatty mood. Look, you wanted me back in the game. I'm back in the damn game." Dean says. "Come on." Dean tells them, walking out.

"Uh..." Sam looks around.

"Go." Miranda tells him.

"I--" Sam sighs, grabbing his jacket. He places a quick kiss to her cheek before rushing outside.


"All right, here you go. It's all the cash we got." Sam gives Tina the money.

"Thanks for everything." Tina says.

"You stay safe out there, you hear?" Dean says.

"I will." Tina promises. She hugs Dean and kisses him on the cheek. "And hey, we'll always have the Royale motel, right?" Tina walks into the bus station, the group walking towards the Impala.

"So... grand coven. Any ideas?" Dean asks.

"Doesn't sound good." Sam says.

"Well, sounds like an 80's hair metal band. You know, lot of hair spray, lot of eye shadow, lot of keytar." Dean says.

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