062. sour patch kids

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"Yeah, of course. Yeah, I certainly appreciate it. You got it. Thanks, officer." Sam hangs his phone up as Dean pulls up to the high school. "So, the last place Ms. Chandler was seen by anyone was in the auditorium. Turns out she's the drama teacher." They get out of the car.

"Ugh, theater kids. Great." Dean complains.

"What? I was a theater kid." Sam says.

"Barely. You did Our Town, which was cool. But then you did that shitty musical." Dean says.

"The-- Oklahoma? Hugh Jackman got cast off of Oklahoma." Sam states.

"You ran tech, Wolverine." Dean retorts.

"If you need anything else, let me know." The principal tells them as she leads them to the auditorium.

"Great. Thanks, Ms. Salazar." Sam tells her. They walk in, standing at the top of the stairs.

"You, idjits." They hear a girl say. They turn to find a girl dressed as Bobby. "You idjits. You are idjits."

"Hey, ass-butt!" They look down near the stage, a girl dressed as Cas and holding a fake Molotov cocktail. "Hey! Ass-butt!"

A piano starts playing and the scenes on stage change as a girl sings.

'John and Mary, husband and wife
Bringing home a brand new life
His name is Sammy,
I'm big brother, Dean.

The perfect family, or so it seems.
The demon's visits had begun
He believed Sam was the chosen one
It burned my mother,
And it cursed my brother

Leaving us in tears
On the road so far,
Yeah, the road so car!
We are in dad's car--'

"Cut!" Two girls in school uniforms go on stage.

"What in the holy..." Dean mumbles.

"If there is a case... it probably has something to do with all of this." Sam says as he picks Serena up after she tugs on his pant leg.

"You think?" Dean retorts.

The two girls who cut the rehearsal, run up to them.

"Hi. Oh, my gosh... are you guys from the publisher? I'm Marie, writer/director. This is Maeve, my stage manager, and I was just, uh, dir--"

Sam and Miranda hold their badges up, cutting her off.

"I'm Special Agent Smith. These are my partners, Special Agent Smith and Smith."

"Smith." Dean says as Sam quickly stops Dean who is fumbling with his badge. Miranda follows his gaze, two actresses pulling out fake FBI badges. The blonde quickly puts her badge away.

"No relation." Sam says. "We're here to look into the disappearance--"

"There is no singing in Supernatural." Dean states.

"Well, this is Marie's interpretation." Maeve says.

"Heh. Well... I mean, if there was singing, you know -- and that's a big if -- if there was singing, it would be classic rock. Not this Andrew Floyd Webber shit."

"Andrew Lloyd Webber." Sam quietly corrects.

"What?" Dean asks.

"Well... you know, we do sing a cover of "Carry On Wayward Son" in the second act." Marie says.

"Oh." Dean hums.

"Really?" Sam asks.

"It's a classic." Dean and Marie state.

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