008. normal sam

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Miranda took the kids and spent some time away from the brothers, needing a break. She went to Bobby's after he asked her to come to his place. She did, Dean explaining what she missed -- Samuel betraying them, Crowley getting killed, and the deal with Death about the wall in Sam's head.

The wall was put up ten days ago, Sam still yet to wake up since it happened.

"Like my daddy always said, just cause it kills your liver don't mean it ain't medicine." Bobby says as Dean walks in. He pours some whiskey. "Sam still asleep?"

"Yeah." Dean answers.

"He'll wake up." Bobby assures.

"Yeah." Dean mumbles.

"Dean, he's been through how much?" Bobby asks. "Somehow, he always bounces back."

"He's never been through this." Dean says. "Job?" He asks, noticing a newspaper on the desk.

"Might be." Bobby says, giving him the paper.

"Can I help? Send me to the library? Anything?" Dean asks.

"Couple goes up in a light plane. Wreckage was just found in the woods." Bobby says.

"Couple of Buddy Hollys?" Dean asks. "Doesn't really seem likes news of the weird."

"Pilot was found 17 miles away, flambeed." Bobby states. "Girl's just gone. No body, no nothing."

"Okay, I'm not changing the channel." Dean says.

"Dean." The three turn to find Sam in the entry way.

"Sam?" Dean asks. He hugs Dean tightly. Sam pulls away from Dean and spots Miranda.

She stands still as he beelines to her, pulling her into a tight hug. She lightly hugs him back, soon finding herself melting into the comforting hug -- one she hasn't had in over a year.

"Are you-- you're okay? The-- the kids?" Sam asks, pulling away and running his hands over her hair. "Are they okay? The-- the baby?" He rests a hand on her stomach, frowning at the lack of the baby bump.

"I'm-- we're all okay." Miranda assures, frowning in confusion a bit.

Sam pulls her into a deep kiss, his hands tangled in her hair. Miranda instinctively kisses back, but pulls away after a few moments.

Sam notices Bobby and walks over to him, hugging the older man.

"Good to see you." Bobby says.

"Wait. I saw you-- I-I felt Lucifer snap your neck." Sam tells Bobby.

"Well, Cas kind of--" Bobby starts.

"Cas is alive?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, Cas-- Cas is fine." Dean says. "Sam, are you okay?"

"Actually, um... I'm starving." Sam says.

~ ~ ~

The brothers are sitting at the kitchen table and each have beer while Sam is eating a sandwich. Bobby and Miranda are leaning against the counter.

"So, Sam..." Dean starts.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Dean asks.

"The field. And then I fell." Sam says.

"Okay. And then?" Dean asks.

"I woke up in the panic room." Sam says.

"That's it? You really don't remember--"

"Let's be glad." Dean cuts Bobby off. "Who wants to remember all that hell?"

falling like the stars, sam winchester [ 3 ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora