061. hiding out

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Sam found Dean, only to find out he was a demon now. He managed to get Dean -- after getting kidnapped for a bit -- and brought him back to the bunker, locking him up in the dungeon.

"Are you sure this is a spectacular idea?" Miranda questions.

"I know how to cure him." Sam says.

"Right." Miranda nods.

"Look, I-I know you don't like him, but..."

"Sammy, I know you love him, but you've already driven yourself insane with this the past few weeks. You got your arm broken. Excuse me for being a little worried you're overdoing it."

"Okay, but I found him now. So I heal him and this is all over."

"You're still gonna have the mark on his arm."

"And we'll figure that out after we get rid of the whole demon thing."


"I'm saving my brother." Sam walks off.


Miranda is at the map table when Sam races in.

"Hey, what's--" She frowns when Sam harshly shushes her.

"Be quiet." He whispers, making her put her drink down.


"He got out." Sam hisses.

"What?" Miranda asks.

"Dean. He-- he got out of the dungeon. He's not fully human yet. He's still a demon." Sam explains.

"So, you're telling me that he-- he's just roaming around the bunker?" Miranda asks.

"More like hunting, probably." Sam mutters.

Miranda lets out a small scoff.

"I told you this was fucking stupid." She hisses, rushing out of the room.

"I--" Sam huffs, following her. "This obviously wasn't part of the plan."

"Yeah, and now we have to make sure he doesn't kill his own nieces and nephew." Miranda says, running to Wyatt's room as it's the closest.

She rushes in, Serena and Wyatt both playing with toys.

"Come on." Miranda picks both of them up.


"Yeah, yeah, it wasn't part of the plan." Miranda rolls her eyes, going for Carly's room. "This plan is going so smoothly."

They get to Carly's room, the girl coloring.

"Come on." Miranda quietly tells her.

"Where?" Carly frowns.

"Just stay behind me." Miranda says.

They take the kids to a room they never use, Sam quietly shutting the door behind them. Miranda puts her younger two kids down next to Carly.

"Okay. You guys stay here." Sam says, quietly leaving.

"What's going on?" Carly asks.

"It, uh... we just have to stay quiet, okay?" Miranda tells her. "We all need to stay quiet."

"Come on, Sammy!" Miranda flinches at Dean's yell. "Don't you want to hang out with your big brother? Spend a little quality time?"

"Mommy." Serena whines.

"Shh, shh, shh." Miranda gently shushes. "You're okay, baby. We're okay." She moves closer to them, Serena climbing into her lap, Miranda wrapping her arms around her.

Miranda looks under the door as the lights turn red.

"Smart, Sam!" Dean shouts after a bit. "Locking the place down. Doors won't open. I get it. But here's the thing. I don't want to leave! Not 'til I find you! And that hot wife and pretty little kiddies!"

Miranda's grip around Serena tightens, her older two kids quickly joining.

"Is Dean okay?" Carly whispers.

"No." Miranda whispers, shaking her head. She wraps her arm around the blonde, her other arm holding onto the two toddlers.

"Sammy! You're just making this worse for yourself, man! Oh, by the way, you can, uh... blame yourself for me getting loose. All that blood you pumped into me to make me human... well. The less demon I was, the less the cuffs worked. And that devil's trap? Well, I just walked right across it. It smarted, but still."

Miranda notices the lights come back on from under the door.

"Sammy?" Dean calls out. "Come on, Sammy! Let's have a beer, talk about it. I'm tired of playing. Let's finish this game!"

After a while, Miranda hears footsteps get closer to the room. She puts the kids down and stands up, taking a knife out of her boot.

Miranda holds the knife at the ready, going to stab the person, assuming it's Dean.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Sam exclaims, grabbing her arm before she can strike.

"Oh, thank God." She sighs in relief. "Give me a little warning."

"Sorry." Sam says while Miranda puts the knife up. "Are you guys okay? Are you hurt?"

"They're spooked, but they're fine." Miranda says. Sam continues to look at her. "I'm fine." She tells him.

"Okay. Good. Good." Sam's shoulders relax, rubbing Miranda's arm.


They got Dean cured and let him back out of the dungeon, the man retreating to his room. Miranda finds Sam in their room, biting the inside of her lip for a moment.

"Hey." She greets. Sam glances up.

"Hey." He mutters.

"Can we talk?" She asks, walking over and sitting on the bed.

"Sure." Sam shrugs, sitting by her.

"I'm sorry." She tells him. "For... being a bit of a bitch earlier. Or a major bitch. I know he's your brother and I know you love him and wanted to help him. I just-- I got worried. The last time you got so obsessed over saving Dean, our relationship didn't end very well. And I know it was kind of different things that happened to him, but... but you were just starting to scare me so I closed myself off a bit. Just in case..."

"In case something happened?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. I mean, I know there's no manipulative bitch around, but... you know, lots of weird, crazy shit happens in our lives, so..." Miranda shrugs. "And I know it doesn't really excuse anything, I just... I'm sorry. And the snappy comebacks earlier were just fear out of something happening to the kids."

"I'm sorry I get so caught up in it." Sam says. "I know he... he's really shitty sometimes, but... but I just-- I can't help it. I don't know. He's still my brother and..."

"I can get it." Miranda says.

"You hate him." Sam says.

"True. But I also had a sibling who I did anything for." Miranda says. "So... we okay?"

"Yeah." He nods. "And, just to make sure you know, I'm never ending our relationship again. Especially over a manipulative bitch. Or any woman or demon or angel or anything." Sam promises.

"Good. Cause I'll kill you this time." Miranda warns.

"Okay." Sam nods, kissing her.

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