063. sammy's admirers

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"I don't wanna do history." Carly whines.

"You have to." Sam says, bouncing Serena as an attempt to calm her down since she started freaking out after Wyatt ate her last blueberry.

"Carly, just do history. You don't have to do anything else until later." Miranda says.

Carly huffs, resting her head in her free hand, angrily gripping the pencil in her other hand.

"Hon, it's not that bad." Sam insists.

"Then you do it." Carly says.

"Then you wouldn't learn anything." Sam says.

"I'm cool with that." Carly pushes the history book towards him.

"No." He pushes the book back towards her.

"Serena." Wyatt calls, picking the small bowl up.

"No!" She yells, not wanting to talk to the blueberry thief.

"Mommy." Wyatt gives her a sad look. 

"I got ya." Miranda picks him up and walks over to Sam. The man smiles a little, both at his son's determined yet sad look and his daughter's expert cold shoulder.

"Hey." Sam murmurs, gently grabbing Serena's cheeks and moving her head to look at what Wyatt is holding. The toddler's eyes light up at the bowl of blueberries in her brother's hand.

"I'm sorry." Wyatt says, holding the bowl out. Serena giggles, taking the bowl from him and immediately sticking a handful of blueberries into her mouth.


Sam walks up to Dean with Carly in tow.

"Hey, yo." Sam calls. "Individually brewed." Sam hands a cup to Dean. "Technology, man."

"Real men don't drink out of cups this small." Dean says.

"Real men don't have stupid opinions." Carly retorts.

"She's around her mother too much." Dean says.

"Nah, I think she's good." Sam argues.

"What is that, cinnamon roll?" Dean asks, sniffing the coffee.

"It's, uh, glazed donut." Sam says. "Look, man, if you don't want it, I..."

"Nah, it's... got it." Dean takes a sip of the coffee. "So, any leads on the scanner or the Interweb?"

"Nothing. Not even a cat up a tree." Sam says.

"So right when we're ready to jump back into it, it goes, uh, radio silence." Dean says.

"Murphy's law." Sam says.

"Well, Murphy's a douche. Hey, feel like taking a detour to Connecticut?"


"Found it while I was dustbusting." Dean holds up a cell phone.

"One of ours?" Sam asks.

"It's one of Bobby's. And, in total, 27 messages. The only one that counts is from two days ago. Apparently Bobby's been named a beneficiary in Bunny LaCroix's will."

"Bunny LaWho?"

"Attorney said she's an heiress and Bobby's presence or next of kin is being requested in New Canaan." Dean says. "I figured we qualify."

"How did Bobby know an heiress?"

"Bobby had secrets, man. Like loving on Tori Spelling. If he only knew Dean cheated on her. Anyway, road trip? Who knows, maybe Bobby earned us some beer money."

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