Chapter Seven: Self-Composed Symphony

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As they got older, and as the arguing became worse, Anahera's attendance became spotty. It continued this way, she only showed up when it was convenient for her, he figured. Lleon was not bothered by this - at first. He did not realize how long he had been in his head until he broke his pen.

"Ye don' have to decide now." A voice broke through. Celvin Evermore.


"Have you not been listening, boy?" Lleon's father asked, a slight tone of annoyance in his voice. Lleon shook his head. His father looked over at the notes he wrote. He knew his father could not read his handwriting. It annoyed him that his son wrote his documents in Spencerian script.

"Decide on what?" Lleon asked.

"If ye want to be allied with us," Celvin told him. "The north."

He still did not answer the question, instead staring at the empty chair across from himself. It almost felt disruptive.

"I will have an answer for you the next time we meet." He finally told him. The wolf Demon nodded in response.

Lleon felt annoyed suddenly. Arguing with her became such routine that he found himself missing her. Did she know this would be torture?

Once again, she occupied his mind despite her not even showing up to meetings anymore. As he became older, he would distance himself from any connections he had left. Life was fine living on his own, but there were days when he craved more. On this day, things were mundane, and he was restless. Lleon sat in his office, looking over documents and papers to find something to do. It would not be a while until his eyes trailed over to the chess piece on his desk. He could not recklessly attack. His last excursion was a gift for his sister and caused many problems politically. He decided to refocus his mind on something else. Most importantly, his lack of staff. He needed to hire people. He knew this.

So, the first person that would join his court was a Demon of Greed. This happened as he passed through the Passerine Kingdom.

"Excuse me." She spoke quietly. Her voice was a little shaky and she seemed shy. "I do not know why, but I feel a strong connection with you. I am Eliana."

Eliana had black hair with white streaks in it, black wings with patches of white feathers, dark eyes, and dark skin with patches of pigment loss.

"You are a raven." He acknowledged.

"Pied." She nodded.

"Come then."

There were no more questions between them. She followed him into the darkest corners he dove into. She served him with the utmost loyalty. He did not even realize that he had begun entrusting her with his deepest secrets. Eliana Mochisuki rightfully became his personal maid. Most assumed Lleon did not acknowledge people lesser than himself, but they were wrong. He noticed that she made involuntary vocal sounds, that she enjoyed tending to the garden, that she collected oddly shaped sticks, and that she hid amongst the growing population of the non-Demon ravens in the garden. Despite her timidness, she stood her ground. She was an ally. A friend.

Eliana was the only one in his court for a while, but he was soon able to rein in more people, including knights and guards. The next person he hired was Dolores Shylock, a fox Demon of Pride and an all-in-one worker from the south. She was tired of such a mundane life in Kitsune Kingdom and wanted more. She had silverish hair that was always pulled up in a bun, black-furred ears, and brown eyes. Her skin was dark in complexion. She was as loyal as Eliana, just more willing to fight rather than hide.

Cornelius Corvinus is another raven Demon in his court and Lleon's personal guard. He always knew to stand on his right side, and women enjoyed watching them go out. He had jet-black hair, pale blue eyes, and a pale complexion. This made him a popular guardsman amongst the citizens. Cornelius and Eliana are close though nothing more than a friendship came of it.

Honey Benjamin Potts, a baker. He did not know how to cook, but that was fine thanks to Lleon's raw diet. He was a dog Demon of Sloth and was a gentle soul. Most would have expected such a soul to be crushed in the presence of their king, but that was not the case. He was an original citizen of his kingdom and was in favor of the change in leadership. Despite his inability to see because of his fast-growing bangs, he works well.

Mercedes Days and Dorothy Byrne are crocodilians in his court. Mercedes was a simple maid and had a strong crush on Lleon, though she was not his type. Dorothy was the cousin of his sister's husband, recommended by Vivienne. She was able to fetch his meals no matter what he craved that day. She catered to every single one no matter the difficulty.

This was all great, but he still wanted more. He did not know what he specifically wanted, but he figured he knew deep down inside when his eyes landed on her portrait in the hall of leaders. She looked unhappy. She always did nowadays. He wondered if she simply chose to wallow in loneliness like he did. Perhaps she did not think she deserved it. The artist did not do her justice. The beauty she exhibited in person did not exist in this portrait.

What was he thinking?

Lleon turned away from the painting, immediately coming face-to-face with those same sad eyes. She had her hands clasped over her chest. She did not say anything, so they just stared at each other. He didn't expect her to show up at that meeting. He did not expect her to show up at all. She reached for his hand, though he instinctively jerked it back. He did not like being touched. Not by lesser beings and certainly not by her. Not anymore.

"What do you want?" Lleon asked.

"Nothing." She murmured. She didn't seem to feel any sort of emotion towards the rejection. "Why were you staring at my portrait?"

"No reason." He responded. There was pause before she spoke again.

"I am not coming back after today."

"Why not?"

"You have worn me down, Victoir." She said with a sigh. "Does it not make you happy to win?"

"This is not a win."

She did not say anything to that and instead looked over next to her portrait. That was where his portrait was. Lleon remembered having to sit for hours on multiple days for it. He was not looking forward to an updated one. She moved next to him, and they both stood there and stared at each other's portraits. It was an odd thing to do he supposed. So was the attempt to take his hand. He knew he would not get an explanation for it. Why would he? So, he chose to forget about it. Some things were easier to forget about than others, anyhow.

After that day, just as she had told him, she did not return. It was easier to adjust that way. However, he still missed that high he got when he argued with her. Things became mundane, and he hardly showed interest in even going to meetings. So, he sat in his office, staring at the portrait above his door. He had asked for Anahera's portrait after she left. Though the more he stared at it, the more he began to think. He started to dwell on his past excursions. The more he thought about it, however, the more he began to realize that he could go on one more large excursion.
The taking of Anahera's kingdom. It had never been attempted by a Demon to seize a kingdom of Angels, but he wanted to try. He could not do it alone this time, however. He knew not to underestimate her. She was smart, and he knew this well. Thus, he began building up his army. This would prove difficult because of his reputation, but he was determined to take whatever he could from her.

The first part of his symphony of betrayal.

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