Chapter Fifteen: Ashen Blue

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         Days passed, and the waiting became mundane to Lleon. Anahera would come down to see him but stopped just at the last step only to turn around. She always looked like she wanted to say something when she did though, but he guessed that she just could not even be around him. Eventually, Avery was sent down to give him news of his sentence, and Lleon swore he saw red. He lunged at the metal bars, trying to grab at the Angel, though he moved out of the way on time, smirking.

"Easy, beast." He sneered. "I did not think it would not be this easy to trick you."

Lleon did not respond, instead glowering at him.

"My Anahera is very cross with you—"

"Your Anahera?!" Lleon scoffed. "Oh, that is fucking humorous! You really ran the jester out of his job. What the fuck do you know about her?"

"Well," Avery thought about it. "I know She is beautiful, and She has a great mind."

"Great, so surface level. Well—while I was here, waiting, I got to read the little mundane rules you Angels must follow." He chided. "And it seems that you've sinned."

"W-What are you talking about, Demon? You are bluffing! A trick to get in my head!"

"Am I? Last time I checked, lying is a sin. Not only have you deceived me, but you are currently deceiving Anahera..." Lleon backed away from the bars. "Don't be surprised when your feathers start falling out."

Avery seemed genuinely freaked out about his comment. Even in the dim lighting, he saw him trembling.

        Another two days passed. Teasing Avery was the most fun he had while there. Eliana would visit him occasionally when the guards let her. She would bring him clothes and such since the Angels did not want any of their kind near him. Suppose this was fine, but it was not good practice since he was able to get out anytime he wanted. Yet, he remained.

He was running out of cigarettes, and though he requested more, he had a feeling they would not get back to him on that. He closed his eyes with nothing else to do. He drifted off to sleep. It would not feel that long of a nap before he was woken up. He looked up to see Anahera's pale eyes.

"What is it?" Lleon asked. "Is it time?"

"No. I, um, have not made a decision yet."

"So, why are you here?"

"I had to get away from Avery," she admitted. "He wants me to marry him, yet he will not even let me talk about the things I enjoy. Not like you."

"I know." Lleon turned back to look at the wall, letting the conversation drop into silence. She sat there uncomfortably, staring at the stone floor. Did she want to say more? Was there nothing to say?

"I think I have decided to let you go, but you will not be welcomed back." She told him.


Lleon realized he had nothing to say. He felt exhausted, the anger and that passion that was once there turned to stone. This place had sucked every single emotion out of him after he was left to sit and stare at the wall. He just wanted to leave. If Evermore took hold because of Avery's actions, then that was how it would be. It did not matter to him if Anahera was dragged down with him, not anymore. That moment between them—whatever it may have been—was gone.

Anahera sighed loudly and got up.

"We will let you out in a few days."


         As the days slowly passed, the guards heard singing from down within the cells. A beautiful siren song, but they knew it was deadly. Anahera sometimes sat at the bottom of the stone steps and listened to him sing. Did she want to sing back? Lleon could not know. She was hurt, yes, but she still sat with him. He never bragged about his killing, nor did he ever bring it up when she was down there. He mainly kept to himself, finding different ways to pass the time. He had no warmth in his eyes, but they were not cold either, so each day that passed he saw the wheels begin to turn in her head. It was not his fault, he practically begged in his mind as if maybe she would hear. Of course, it was difficult to say he was not at fault. The blood was on his hands, after all, but he did not usually go into the hospice. He had told her it made him depressed. So, why did she think he was there on his own accord in the first place? He had even fed the day before, but still. He could not have known they were using her blood for the Angels that needed it, and perhaps that was what triggered it.

          Eventually, the day would come to let him out, and so Lleon let them put chains on his wrists and wings, though he was easily able to break them if he tried. He was guided through the city. In front of him was Anahera, dressed in armor crafted by the Higher Power, and behind him were two guards. He was met by gazes of either fear or disgust. Still, he could not find it in himself to care. They escorted him up to the border, to which they would then take the chains off him, and Anahera would continue leading the way. He wondered why they would make such a decision if he was so dangerous. No one spoke a word. As they walked side by side, the transition between realms was obvious as the pale colors of the Angel realm were devoured by the green grass and splotches of colors from the wildflowers. She stopped to look at them. He stopped too.

Lleon looked over at her. Despite her possibly stopping to reminisce on the memories they shared, she did not have any emotion in her eyes. Still, the two of them continued onwards, walking side by side on the Demon side of the border. The wildflower fields they used to play in. Where he learned of love and where he learned of betrayal. Misunderstanding or not, he felt hurt all over again. None of them spoke anymore, eyes fixated on the vast field in front of them. He wondered if she was still angry at him. He wondered if she believed him when he said it was not his fault.

Did he take responsibility for anything? Was anything his fault?

Her ashen blue eyes still showed nothing yet. The silence was not comforting but estranged and tense. He did not know if it was the moon that appeared in the sky or because they both stopped in front of that same large tree with wicked roots growing in every direction.

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