Chapter Twenty-Two: The Final Bow

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The final day of the month came, and by then they were to their knees in this war. They were running out of soldiers and resources, despite the help of Vivienne. Anahera sat in her office, trying to find other options outside of surrendering. That was until Lleon came in. Things had been slightly awkward between them since she rejected his advances, but she listened to what he had to say.

"Always playing stoic hero."


"You should not fight, An." He told him, eyes looking over her body.

"Do not call me that."

"Don't fight."

"Why should it—"

"Your baby."

"My baby is fine." She huffed. "Why do you even care? You have not shown any interest in fathering them."

He was silent for a moment, thinking. "You're right." He eyed her again before leaving the room. She scoffed, more frustrated by his indifference.

She stood up and followed him to get on her armor. He hated that she intended to fight, but he could not blame her, especially since Evermore had intended to show his face that day. They both received new armor sets. Anahera received one to accommodate her pregnancy and Lleon's was a whole new set since the other had broken.
As the two came back from the armory, they were stopped by a large wolf. Anahera panicked briefly, but Lleon reassured her by placing a hand in front of her.

"Thought you two were fightin' alone, Lovett?" Caydren asked, flashing a fanged grin.

"Hm. A little bit, yes." Lleon nodded before turning to Anahera. "Evermore's son. We allied a while back. He hates his father as much as we do. Killed his own mother even."

"You lied." Anahera narrowed her eyes at the larger of the two.

"I always do."

"Without flinching. Let us go then." She sighed, walking past them.

"Splendid." Lleon responded.

The three of them began discussing their plans when they heard a loud boom. Sébastien rushed into the room, out of breath.

"My queen. They have broken down the gates and are invading the city." He announced urgently.

She furrowed her brows. "Evacuate the staff and citizens." She ordered before she looked back at the two.

"They are in the city. We must leave. Now." Anahera told them, putting on her helmet.

She let the two leave, but she stayed behind. She sat alone on her throne, waiting for Celvin's arrival. She did not typically do this. It did not suit her. She heard Lleon's siren song from a distance, knowing that he would destroy anything he touched. He always had. She sang alongside him, her voice echoing off the walls of the empty castle. Their voices entangled with each other despite the distance. While his damaged the mind, hers healed the soul.

Lleon and Caydren got to work as soon as they arrived at the scene. They defeated their foes with ease, especially together. They were an unstoppable force.

"Nice singin' voice, Yer Majesty," Caydren said as he choked out the wolves in front of him.

"Would be rude not to share," Lleon responded in a matching tone. "Not bad of a fighter."

"Ye think?"

Even when in battle, they joked around and bantered. Lleon found himself enjoying the tone of the fight. He saw his foes as inferior, and it seemed he did as well. They were overpowering them despite their numbers. He enjoyed that Caydren didn't hold back even if they were his own kind. They were putting a dent in their armies until he noticed Angels were a part of those numbers. He slowed down his killings, gesturing for his men to do the same. Lleon scanned the battlefield, and finally, he saw why. Approaching him amidst the chaos was a black-winged Angel. He adorned an all-black armor set and a serrated lance carved from onyx.

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