Chapter Twenty: The Red Moon

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          The sounds of the battle were reportedly silenced around the next day's dawn. Sébastien listed the names of the dead as Anahera stood on the balcony, staring at the blood-red moon in the sky. It always appeared once every year after Lleon was born. The Month of the Beast. She sighed and tuned back into the conversation. She had not meant to tune out, but the ongoing list saddened her. She knew every single person who fell during the battle. The one he listed next shocked her.

"King Lleon Victoir Lovett." Sébastien read out, before looking up at her. "I am sorry for your loss, my queen."

She did not know if she was despaired. Perhaps she was, and the hole that formed in her heart was bigger than she could ever imagine. He left her alone once more, another one of his gifts she would have to keep in the wake of his painful memory.

"I...There was nothing between us." she struggled to say. "Let us go collect the bodies and give them proper burials. I will also inform his family."

He nodded and followed her out.

           When they went out to the fields, she wanted to leave immediately. It was a terrible sight. The grass was stained with blood as the lifeless bodies of Angels, Demons, and horses lay. The teams gathered and identified them. She walked amongst them as they worked, stopping when she saw Lleon's. So, it was true. She had never seen him so at peace since they were children. Anahera touched his face, brushing her fingers over his scars.

"I told you to be careful, you idiot...Dors mon ange." She looked saddened. Sébastien gestured for the workers to keep working before looking at Anahera. "It was his birthday today, you know."

"Your Majesty?"

"Every year on his birthday, the Month of the Beast, a red moon is in the sky for the whole month. I always thought it to be a spectacular phenomenon."

"Did you love him? What of this...child?"

"There are questions I have no answers for. Did I love him? I am unsure. He made me feel things I didn't know I could feel. I do know that this child will be born, and we will treat them as our own."

Sébastien smiled solemnly and nodded. "Very well."

          Through the weeks, she worked hard. A lot of the bodies were taken to Grâce Village; however, Demons would take over that area. Anahera would successfully get in contact with Lleon's sister, Vivienne. She agreed to have dinner with her so they could talk about what they could do.

"I'm very curious, Anahera. Why is it you kept my brother around?" Vivienne asked.

"He did not tell you?" she asked, sighing a bit. "I am expecting a child. His child."

Vivienne's eyes widened with this news. It seemed like she wanted to say multiple things at once, but she said nothing. Anahera continued.

"I plan on raising them as if they were an Angel. Half Demon or not."

"I see." Vivienne nodded, slowly.  "What about now? Where is his body?"

"It lays in a casket in Grâce Village, but we have lost the village to Evermore."

"Then we will help you get it back. On behalf of my brother."

"You have my gratitude, Vivienne," Anahera said, relief washing over her. "I hope we can win this in his honor."

           After dinner, Anahera would start preparing a speech. She could not hide it from her people any longer. At the least, they would pity her since he passed away. She hoped they would anyway. They already were unkind to her even as a child. What kind of Seraphim would let herself become pregnant with a Demon's spawn?
She pushed away the thought, instead deciding to hum as she got ready for bed. She eventually moved on to singing but would stop when she felt an odd sensation. Perhaps it was the bleeding moon in the sky, but she still felt Lleon. He was in the shadows in the corner of her room. He was in the overreaching shadows of the trees. He was the shadow behind her when she stood in the moonlight. His absence haunted her, yet she did not want to admit that. Not yet.

          Anahera made her speech the next morning. She was nervous. She prepared herself for rejection, disgust even. Not only had she laid with a Demon, but she did not marry him and is having his child. It was forbidden. It was very wrong in her people's eyes. However, not as many shunned her as she thought. They had their reservations, but they seemed sympathetic to her situation. Especially since she had been doing so much for them. In truth, she was glad she could be open about it. She could finally get the treatment and rest she needed.

"Too much stress is bad for the baby." Her maid-in-waiting Aria said. She was possibly the most excited. After all, she had been waiting for this moment since they were younger. "Now rest your head, Your Majesty."

Anahera smiled softly and said, "Thank you, Aria. I hope this will all be over by the time they arrive."

"Me as well, Your Majesty. Me as well." Aria agreed, smiling gently. "Do you think they will look like us, or the father?"

"Hmm. I cannot say. This is definitely new territory." Anahera replied. She thought about it some more. What if they did look like him? Would they be ostracized as she was? Would they be forced away by her people for their Demon blood? She would not let that happen if that were the case. She just wished she was not alone in this because, despite her love for new experiences and learning, she was terrified.

         She sang to herself as she changed into her nightgown. Once more, that strange feeling came over her. It was the way Lleon made her feel when he looked at her all those years ago. Unforgiving and predatory looks from across the table. Yet, she did not feel threatened by this feeling of hunger, so she continued to sing. The moon's red light blared into the room when no light remained to combat it. She wondered why the Angel realm was affected by the Month of the Beast, though she figured it was because of the connection the two realms shared. If that connection never existed, this situation would not be the way it was. There would be no war, this moon would not be staring at her, she would never have met Lleon, and she certainly would not have this baby growing inside her. Did her father know? Was he disappointed that his daughter who was destined for greatness was struggling to stay afloat in this war?
She would dwell on these thoughts even as she lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. The shadows of the trees made it look like they were reaching in to take her, the hands ready to drag her to her punishment. She was ready. She always had been since the day she met Lleon because she knew she would develop feelings that were never meant to develop.

She loved him.

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