Chapter Twenty-One: The Deathless Dragon

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Darkness was ever growing over the Angel Realm. Slowly but surely the Demons were taking control. The people trusted in the strength of their queen, but they became weary over the few days after they lost Grâce Village. One thing that was known about Anahera was that she too had siren-like abilities. Unlike Lleon's malicious song, her voice was made to boost the morale of her people, so that was what she did to at least help on the battlefield alongside her healing.

On this night, it was storming. Wolf Demon soldiers marched up and down Grâce Village. Though some were fearful of the storm, they endured. They looted the coffins of the Angels sent.

"Oi. This one's a royal casket." One of the soldiers commented.

"Yeah? Open it." Another responded.

As the first one began prying it open, the shadows seemed to crawl up the walls. They had not noticed it, too focused on their greed. A hand would shoot up through the casket's lid to make a hole in it, though would quickly be retracted back in. The lid was then launched at the wall. Lleon sat up, turning his head to look at the wolf who had been prying it open just seconds before. All the Demons stared at each other, unsure of how to react. Lleon's golden eye was exposed by the piece that Avery broke and it stared into them with such hunger and malice. It frightened them. He seemed to be undead, a comeback of revenge, but he was alive more than ever.

And he was hungry.

Just as they got the courage to draw their weapons on the seemingly undead Demon in front of them, his hands shot out and took one of them by the neck. He stepped out of the casket with an intimidating regal-ness. Lleon wrapped his thick leathery tail around the other's neck, choking them both out at the same time. He would not stop there. He sunk his teeth into the one he held out in front of him. He screamed in pain, thrashing in Lleon's grasp.

He loved it when his prey struggled.

Lleon scrunched up his nose and sunk them in deeper before jerking his head back, taking a chunk of flesh with him, and dropping the body. He swallowed it whole, blood running down his chin. When he constricted the other, he loosened his hold on him. He made his way out of the building, not quite conscious of where he was. Anyone who got in his way was slaughtered where they stood. Lleon would eventually seem to find himself outnumbered, yet he seemed unbothered.

"Halt! Get down!" They shouted at him.

Lleon snarled lowly, licking his scar in agitation. He did not have full control of himself. The beast inside of him wanted out, and he'd let it. His pupils broke and separated to the edges of his eyes as thick, black smoke surrounded him. That animalistic side of him grew and his thoughts became distant.

It was silent as smoke filled the area. The only sound being the pattering of the rain. Hearts seemed to stop in that moment. Low chuffing sounded from the smoke. The wolf Demons began to move again, running away before whatever form he took could reveal itself. Out of the smoke, a large, furred paw slammed down on the ground. It flapped its wings, clearing the smoke. The great beast of legends.

The form of the dragon Demon.

He let out an earth-shattering roar, breaking windows. Smoke escaped as he opened his mouth, breathing out fire from his powerful jaws. Building caught in his blaze tore apart upon impact. Lleon lowered his head to the ground in slow and methodical. He swallowed their horses whole, their riders alongside them. He crushed and burned them, leaving destruction in his wake.

This roar woke up the neighboring kingdom. Anahera rushed to her balcony and took to the sky to get a better view. She saw the bright flames in Grâce Village. She gathered who she could on such short notice before getting her armor on. They rushed into the village; weapons drawn. They would however stop short upon seeing the beast in front of them. Anahera recognized him. The curvature of his horns, those hungry eyes, those scars. Yet, how was he here?

She shook her head and began ordering her battalion to aid him. Though hesitant, they did, finding victory in driving off the opposing soldiers. Against her better judgment, Anahera flew up near his bony muzzle, hoping he would calm down enough to stop his rampage. He snapped his jaws at her. He roared once more, causing her to wince and cover her ears. He chuffed and stared at her, but would eventually recognize her. He shifted back into the humanoid form they were more accustomed to.

He panted as he kneeled on the ground. Anahera got down to his level only to be tackled to the ground. Her soldiers drew their weapons, but she quickly gestured for them to stand down. She hissed out in pain as his fangs sunk into her shoulder. He sucked on the wound, swallowing whatever he could of her blood. She pulled off his damaged helmet and ran her fingers through his hair.

"Is it really you, Lleon?" She whispered out. He grunted in response, not wanting to stop until she forced him off. He wiped his mouth, licking his lips. He stared at her with lust in his eyes. She supposed it was the massacre he caused, the taste of her blood making that feeling so great that she was sure he would not mind taking her at that moment. She stood up and healed her wound. "Let us go back."

Lleon was not himself for a few days since coming back. Eliana would point this out when she reunited with him. Still, Anahera wanted answers. So, when he was finally showing signs that he was how he was before, she questioned him.

"How are you here? I saw your body. You were gone." She spoke. Lleon only stared at her from where he sat at the dining table. "Victoir-"

"I will tear the wings off that damned Angel and feed his corpse to the abysmal beasts in the cold hell below our feet."


"He killed me. He lied to you. He betrayed us!" He snapped. "You can't keep defending him!"

She went quiet. He was right, but she did not believe anyone should be punished by death. Even for Evermore, she planned on only imprisoning him, which Lleon would argue with her about many times.

"Okay..." She nodded. "I understand you are angry. I am too, but I want this child-our child-to grow up in a world where they will not hear their mother killed for revenge."

Lleon scoffed, "You and your fucking ego."

She did not argue with him to not feed the fire of his anger. She watched him storm out of the room, most likely to blow off steam.

He did not return until the night came, telling of the darkened sky. He came into her room through the balcony. She did not mind it anymore and would continue to do her nightly rituals. He stared at her, enjoying the fact that her robe was translucent. He did not usually talk about the baby even before his death. Anahera suspected he did not want to acknowledge it. So, it surprised her when he came up behind her and placed his hands on her slightly enlarged stomach.

"How did you come back?" She tried one last time now that he was calmer.

"It is my role as a dragon," He dragged his hands down her curves and into the opening of her robe, continuing when he heard a soft gasp from her. "The Deathless Dragon."

"Lleon..." She breathed out but pushed his hand away despite how good it felt. "Not when you do not love me."

He backed up with that. Her words hung in the air. They hurt to say, but it was how she felt. She did not want to be involved with him if he did not feel the same.

"Okay." He nodded, making his way back to the balcony.

There was nothing else to say, so he left. Her knees felt weak suddenly, so she sat down. When she caught her breath and regained her composure, she changed into her nightgown and went to bed. Was that an answer? That he truly did not return her feelings? Did it matter? Eventually, she drifted off to sleep after her rushing thoughts quieted.

A Demon's History: Lotus ThornsWhere stories live. Discover now