ARC 2: Baelor

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"Lord Stark had agreed to plead guilty, your grace." Lord Varys said softly as he looked up to him. His pale face curled into a smile.

Naruto nodded silently. "You do the realm great service, my lord." He waved his hand and bade him leave. "Next!"

Naruto spied Margaery standing beside Cersei along the columns, they were talking, quiet whispers, he shook his head and turned to the man they had dragged along.

"Lord Jonos Slynt!" Naruto leaned forward.

The man looked far less impressive without the golden cloak. He looked as though he had aged years in the week he spent down in the dungeon.

Cersei was swift to leave Margaery's side and rush towards him.

"Jonos Slynt." He nodded. "Tell me, why did you betray Stark's trust?"

The man shuddered. "Your grace, I did what I did for you, for the crown, he was a traitor." He announced.

"That he is." He hated this, this game. "You gave a man your word, be he traitor, you promised him, and then you stabbed him in the back. For what, gold?"

"Joffrey, my son," Cersei called out. "Lord Slynt is ever loyal to us, Stark wanted to have you apprehended, he helped you."

He looked at her long and silent.
"A man who cannot stand by his words, by his vows, is no man." He scoffed.
"You think me a child still, mother? That I do not know. Had Stark any chance of winning this coup of his, this man would have pointed his spear at me. Today he sold himself for Lannister gold, tomorrow, I wonder who he will sell for." He shook his head.

"No one, your grace. I was only pretending to be in his fold, to give him a false sense of confidence. I was...."

"Stop." He smiled. "You are quite the wealthy man, ser Jonos, are you not?"

"Your grace?" He asked tersely.

"Tell me, does your job as the commander of the City's Watch pay you enough to afford a keep with servants, lavish decors, six servants I hear.." He asked. "No?"

"I don't understand your grace."

"Every gate that leads to King's Landing has your men guarding them, and as I know, the toll you collect for every caravan, every trader, everyone who passes those gates with a good is quite high. Rather pay you little than pay the crown the tax." He smiled "You have been stealing from me."

"Lies!" He yelled. "I do no such things, it's.."
Naruto narrowed his eyes.

"Joffrey, we are without a Hand, if we start putting black on everyone with a little stain on them soon we will be alone in this city." Cersei reasoned.

"You would be, but I have thousands of citizens, honest men and women who would rise for me should I ever call." He laughed.
"No, he will ride with lord Stark when the man from Night's Watch rides north." He paused.
"Rather, lord Baelish, have a ship chartered for East Watch by the sea, I will not chance lord Stark being freed by his northern men before he makes it to the watch." He smiled. "Make it quick, I'll have his confession at the feet of Baelor at dusk tomorrow."

"Of course your grace!" The man grinned.

Naruto ignored Slynt's screams for mercy but he had none for him. Slynt may have served Lannisters loyally but he was a cruel man. He had asked his ANBU to sus out every detail they could find on Slynt after he had captured the man and he was not pleased to hear it.

The next appearance was the steward. "Your grace, Lord Mace Tyrell and Lady Olenna Tyrell have arrived."

Naruto smiled. "Escort them to their lodgings, I shall greet them as soon as I am done here."

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