ARC 2: His Way

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**Warning, this chapter contains explicit sexual content, themes of manipulation, abuse, and whatever else, read at your own risk.****


Marwyn was a pleasant surprise to him. The man was a wanderer and not like those stuck-up maesters who refused to believe magic was real even when he stood before them like a burning bright sun.

Their loss, they could have made fast friends with the prince if they had taken their heads out of their asses and cleaned their ears to listen.

Naruto cared not for them however, omit was the knowledge that Catelyn Stark had apparently been to King's Landing and then sailed off as soon as she had arrived which troubled him.

Why was she here, when she should have been nursing her sick son back at Winterfell? Naruto was confused. It was one of the whores of Peter's last establishment that had whispered to him. The mockingbird thought he could fool him, by running the brothel through a proxy but Naruto was no idiot. He just hadn't exposed the man on his smugglings and all because he hadn't found a man who could replace that sly bastard, whatever be said, Baelish did his job well. He couldn't put Fox as the master of coins, Fox was supposed to be a separate entity removed from politics.

The same had been true for Pycelle, he was another asshole he needed to get rid of. The eighty-year-old was waiting for the stranger but still took his serving girl to his chambers at night, he had broken his vow of celibacy. Naruto hated those who didn't keep their word. Jamie didn't know how to expose that man without blowing things up so he left that to it, Pycelle, he had no maester as capable as that man and if he had removed him, the conclave would have simply chosen to select another, till now that was.

Marwyn could help him pull out another weed that grew on his pasture. Varys, the man was still useful, Naruto's own network only spied on someone when he needed people spied in, Varys simply had everyone spied on.
He didn't care, unless the spider crossed him, he would let him weave his net.

More than the discovery of the white walkers which he would deal with, the death of the butcher's boy had been an eye opener for him. Here in this world, there were lords and then there were commoners, and no one said anything when the former did anything unspeakable to the latter.

The boy had been cut almost in two and all the father could do was weep, he had knelt, for the first time he had come to this world and apologized in guilt. He was guilty that he didn't teach Tommen better. He was guilty that he hadn't taken this as seriously as he should have. He was playing prince while people were dying.

The high Septon was another loose thread he would cut soon, the old man was the only one who knew his truth and he was too scared to say anything but the possibility remained. The septon was the only person in this world who had seen the true Kurama, not the gentle dragon but the apocalypse made flesh. He knew if he crossed the prince he would die, and Naruto had let the man live but if blood was going to be spilled, he was going to make sure it belonged to those who deserved it.

After arranging accommodations for Marwyn with the steward, Naruto was spent. He had dinner in silence, it was too late and everyone had eaten.  He finally decided he was going to take a bath smother his face in some pillows and let his bones rest.

He took a trouser, a short, and a towel and walked to the pool, and dipped down into the water to let his bones ease.

He cleaned himself, wiped himself down and changed into the trousers, draped the towel over his shoulders, and made his trek back to his room.

Kurama found him along the way and was laughing for some reason. Naruto narrowed his eyes at the dragon. "What?"
"Nothing." He replied. "I am going to hunt for some game in the Kingswood, if you need me call me." And then he lept to the ledge of a window and disappeared not keeping the appearance of a little dragon.

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