ARC2: The prince and the dragon

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Lady Catelyn was not happy when they crossed the paths the next day, her scowl was deeper, her lips shook as if to hold back all that she had to say and then she walked away.

He quietly put the arrow back  into the quiver and looked back at the golden prince who danced arounds the knights as if he was dancing. He held a wooden sword in his hand, tapping the exposed parts of the armored men as if it was the easiest thing in the world. Robb had yielded fast after an embarrassing fall on his butt when the prince had pushed him after pointing out his weaknesses. Robb didn't like that but he was humbled and took the loss without a remark back.

Jon silently looked at the black handled sword that the little prince was holding for his brother, a hand and half long swords, it's guard fashioned like dragon heads, a red ruby in the pommel.

The sword of Aegon the conqueror himself, the sword of kings, it was said to be a Valyrian steel sword just like ice, he wanted a sword like that, a sword meant for a worrior.

He had heard the whispers of how the green princess had won his affection by presenting the sword to him on his nameday. Jon had heard the tales. How the King's brother had claimed the prince to be a bastard, tried to steal the throne by killing the king. He had heard that the prince was blessed by the gods themselves, which gods? Jon wondered.

"Have you seen his dragon egg?" Arya whispered beside him, her eyes bright with mirth. "It's so beautiful."

"How did you stumble onto it, I heard he keeps it close." He snorted. "He wants to hatch it, they say. The dragons are dead, the dragons and the dragon kings."

Arya shrugged. "I asked lady Margaery and she snuck us into the Prince's chambers." She giggled. "When you hold it, you can feel the heat from it, like there really is a dragon inside."

Jon didn't want to dwell onto the details of why a maiden had keys to the prince's room so he scoffed. "Maester Lewin said they used to heat dragon eggs in  braizers in hopes that the fire would wake the dragon, it's just that." Jon thought of the green princess, she was beautiful, just the right height for the prince to kiss, he was sure the prince loved her well for her to follow him all the way up north.

The prince and he were nothing alike.

He wondered what would his father say, what would lady Catelyn say about the prince's offer. What would he even do in the capital, the prince would go back to his princess and being the prince, and he would be just that, another bastard lost in his dreams that would never come true.

He remembered what the dwarf and his uncle told him last night, after the prince walked off the feast. He never had a woman, he didn't know what it was like to be a father and he would never know.

But he was alright with that, he didn't need to be anything, he wanted to be a man of the Night's Watch. He wanted to take the vow. He would be someone there, someone who mattered.

"Jon." He turned around to see the prince smiling at him. "Do you want to spar?"

He frowned as he heard it

"He is quite interested on you, huh. May be being a bastard is like a novelty or something, rare you know." Arya shrugged. "In the south."

"Bastards are never rare," He told her sternly. "Anywhere." He smiled tightly.

"I don't want to hurt you, your grace."

Joffrey tilted his head to the side. "Oh." He blinked as if that was the strangest thing he heard. "We are not using bladed steel." He explained. "Don't worry."

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