ARC: 1. The Fox and the mockingbird

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"What are your thoughts on The Fox?" Tyrion looked at his brother who sat across him. In his golden white Kingsguard armor, his golden hair gelled back, and he looked the fantasy of any maid. "Quite the name he has made." Tyrion had only stepped through the street of silk, in search of a whore and the name had been mentioned quite a lot.

Jamie nodded.
"The upstart."

Tyrion noticed how Jamie's face soured at the name. Ooh, there was something there.

"I wouldn't call him an upstart." Tyrion shook his head and uncorked the bottle, the bubbles rose and shimmered and the aroma filled the air. Though the name Fox was not new to him. He had heard of him, the sellsword who had joined Robert and Eddard during Greyjoy's rebellion.
"Many people want to be his friend, he is quite popular." Tyrion himself had not met this Fox. He had just arrived and in his small inquiry he had learned quite a bit, he was said to be an elusive man and a newcomer to the capital economics as Tyrion understood. His two years past his name had made circles, during the rebellion of Kraken this sellsword had joined the royal side. During the seize of Pike it was said that the Fox had disappeared and opened the gates to the poke from inside, having infiltrated the wall with no notice, with but a dagger they said.

His notoriety only rose in the past years when the man suddenly started to buy out shops on the road of grains instead of riding the vagabond image he had gained. He didn't ask a knighthood, nor did he swear to any lord. Now the Fox was said to trade from the Reach in the south to White Harbor in the north, a businessman instead of a sellsword and killer.

The rumors of Euron Greyjoy having lost one of his eyes to the Fox's dagger were still there. There were songs written about it. The fox and the Kraken dancing on the waves...

"A glorified barkeep." Jamie shrugged. "He just sells something that shimmers. Quite expensively might I add."

Tyrion eyed his brother and then the beverage before him, the bottle was a clear crystal glass, the liquid, golden. It had become quite the sensation in the noble circles apparently. It was not this beer but rather the other, Wiskey as it was called that had found a new love in King's Landing higher court. The beer, that The Fox sold by the barrels to taverns all around King's Landing. One could, these days find beer in taverns around flea bottom to brothels in the street of silk. He even heard of tavern keepers along the King Road traveling all the way to the Capital to buy the liquor in bulk to serve in their taverns. The man had something that everyone liked and no one else knew the secret to it.

"But this isn't his only trade." Tyrion stroked his chin.
"Half the grain shops in King's Landing sell his imports from the Reach. The man is spreading his roots. I say he might soon become a man to be a friend of it you like the shine of gold."

"We have enough gold." Jamie shrugged. "I tried Whiskey once, one sip and I thought my throat would melt. It was quite the liquor."

Tyrion listened and nodded. "Now that I am in the capital, I will have to broaden my palette." Though he didn't go out of his way to scout this new liquor, he couldn't deny that he was curious. This one just fell into his lap when he saw the prince of all people quietly admiring it in his room.

As a responsible and caring uncle, he certainly had to confiscate the liquor, the prince was of no age to drink.

He poured Jamie a glass, nearly jumping in fright as the liquid bubbled even more and the froth rose above the glass, thankfully he wasn't hasty in his pour. "Interesting." He observed.

Jamie looked at him curiously and then took the glass. Taking a sip he cringed at the bitter taste, "This is nothing like ale or mead or wine." He cleared his throat. "Doesn't burn like whiskey either."

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