ARC 2: The watch

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He found Kurama by the riverbank. His red scales seemed to glow brighter in the setting sunlight.

He took Blackfire that lay by the dragon's side and sheathed it in its scabbard, the other sword he held in his hand, he wasn't going to throw a perfectly good sword.

"Do you think they have reached Castle black by now?" He asked as he sat by the dragon.

"How would I know?" The dragon laughed. "Why don't you check on the marker you planted."

Naruto shrugged. "I did, it has stopped moving, for a few days, either it is at a stable or it died on the way and they left the horse on the snow." He thought back to the bastard of Winterfell.

"He really was just like me." He sighed. "Hoping he would make a difference, that people would look at him differently if he did something great. I wanted to become Hokage, he wanted to take the black, different circumstances but same resort."

Kurama hummed beside him. "You have started giving too much thought to these queer runts that you meet, the Targaryen girl still appears from time to time, walking among the halls in your head, I see her even from my cage. And this Snow, he is another one." Kurama sighed. "Do you really think you will be able to find a cure for that girl on Valyria?"

Naruto thought of his cousin, Shireen. She was like a hostage but not truly, she and her mother lived in the Red Keep, guarded and looked after but they weren't really prisoners, they were free to roam and do what they wanted, with a guard of course.

He had gotten letters from the Florents, asking that he send Shireen and her mother to their home, that they would take care of their daughter and grandchild but Naruto didn't want to chance it, Stannis still was at large, they were his hold over that man.

"Grayscale is the only thing that I haven't been able to heal that has physical effects on the body." Naruto sighed.

"Diseases like flu and cold and worms aren't really diseases, I cannot kill another creature, bacterium, parasites, or viruses using six paths like that. But I can heal any damage done to the flesh, be it ulcers, cancer, or whatever. But Grayscale is no regular disease, there is nature chakra intrinsically linked to the disease, a poison mixed in the chakra  itself that makes it impossible to control, even I'd have to be careful with it, though I don't doubt I can purge the chakra if it got inside me, for a girl like her purging foreign chakra using your chakra would kill her, I need another way." He concluded.

That was the entire reason why Ser Davos had agreed to captain his ship on this voyage, Fox had promised that the prince would heal the princess if they found more about the supposed stone men that lived in the smoking sea.

"So, what now, we go back and play prince in the castle?" Kurama asked.

"Doesn't sound too bad to me. There is peace in obscurity." He stood up and spun the steel blade in his hand. "I am going to make a clone and send him back to Darry's, I am off to see the wall, wanna come with?" He asked Kurama.

The dragon looked at him and shook his head. "You can transform to look like other men but even with all the powers I cannot really change my appearance." He said. "Anyway, my other half will see through your eyes so it is fine." He stretched his wings and flapped them once then twice.
"Don't blow your cover tho." 

Naruto laughed as he crossed his fingers, making an identical copy of him appear beside him.

He watched the clone mount the horse and Kurama followed him off towards the castle.

Naruto took a deep breath, his body shimmered and his appearance changed to that of a middle-aged man, black-haired, grey-eyed, covered from head to toe in black, a look he stole from Benjen Stark whom he had seen in Winterfell.

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