telling burklee

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In Burklee’s room

The girls barge in

Burklee: Yeah I agre- AHH why are you all here. You scared me so much

Girls: sorry

??: are u ok?

Burklee: yeah, lemme call you later k

??: kk, have a good night Burklee!

Burklee: Thanks, u too

Pierson: who was that

Tehillah: i think i heard a guy

Lexi: ouuuu

Burklee: omds he’s just a friend pls

Sofie: okkk

Kat: that’s what they all say

Katie: especially this house

Eva: yourself included, dont exclude yourself

They all laugh

LexiZ: Well we have a surprise for you

Burklee: really? What is it

Tehillah: Pierson do the houners

Pierson: Ok us moms wanted to go on a mommy vacation and since your birthday is coming up, we decided to take you along

Burklee: NO WAY
She stood up and hugged them all

Burklee: Thank you so much. I’m so excited. When are we leaving

Lexi: in two-ish weeks and we will be gone for a week

Sofie: and we are going shopping soon for it so get ready for that


Kat: Look at this girl

They laugh

Burklee: Where are we going?

Katie: We are going to a private island 

Burklee: I dont even know what to say cuz I feel like screaming rn. A PRIVATE ISLAND. I honestly can't wait. I wish it was tomorrow

Eva: and we are going to freshen up your braids for the trip

Burklee: ok good cuz these ones are old

LexiZ: yeah you have been such a blessing to us and this is the least we can do is to give a week off

Tehillah: yeah, bestiee

Pierson: we love you lots hun

Lexi: yes we do

Sofie: we want you to relax during this trip

Kat: from the house and the school work

Katie: and all the school drama
They laugh

Eva: so start telling your teachers so that they can get you ahead of the class before we leave

Burklee: ok, thank you guys. I love you all too and i love to help all of you guys.

Tehillah: let us leave you alone so you can talk to that boy. I need all the deets later bestie

Burklee rolls her eyes and laughs: there are no deets

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