Stay in for mama

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Doctor: Mrs. Holder, I hate to break it to you. Your baby is in a lot of distress because of the impact of your fall. We might have to consider an emergency c-section in case we can't get baby to calm down. 

Eva: B-But I'm only 32 weeks. Can't you do anything to stop the contractions and the baby from feeling distressed.

Doctor: We're doing everything we can Mrs. Holder. We've put fluids in your I.V., the baby is not resting on its umbilical cord, and we've been giving you oxygen. The next step is to give you medication to stop the contractions. They need to stop in up to 15mins for us to stop prepping for a c-section with close monitoring for about 5-8 hours. If it doesn't, we'll have to continue with the procedure or the next events could be fatal for you and/or the baby

Atlas: Babe, let's just go onto the procedure please. I can't afford to lose you or the baby. I know this wasn't how we planned it but not everything will go the way we plan for it to go. 

Eva: I know babe but-

Atlas: Eva. When it comes to your life, the baby's life, or Bryson's life on the line, your not winning. I'm sorry, Love. 

Eva: Can we at least try the medications

Atlas: Ok for 15 mins and then we're going for the c-section.

Doctor: Perfect! I'll get the nurse to get it administered right away

she leaves the room

Atlas I'm sorry I seem annoying but I just don't want to hear anymore bad news, bebe

Eva: I know. Thanks for loving and caring about me and Bryson. I don't know what I would do without you

Atlas: Don't even worry about it. You are my wife, so it's the least I could do. I contacted our parents and your mom and they said they are praying for you. Your mom said she'll be here as soon as she can.

Eva playfully rolls her eyes and the nurse walks in

The nurse administers the medicine and they wait

Nurse: I'll go call the Doctor

She leaves and the Doctor walks in a few minutes later

Doctor: Ok. The baby's heartbeat has slowed down. The contractions are becoming less frequent and it looks like everything is going back to normal but we'll keep you in for about 2 hours and if the contractions are minimal, we'll let you go. Before you leave, schedule an appointment at front desk for you to meet your obstetrician tomorrow just for a checkup.

Eva: Oh ok. Babe, can you call my mom and tell her that she doesn't need to come

Atlas: Ok

Doctor: Perfect

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