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Eva and Atlas were shopping for Eva's mom's birthday.

Atlas: What should we get her

Eva: Idk. that's why I brought you. You always get pretty meaningful gifts

Atlas laughs

Atlas: Really

Eva: OFC. Look at all th-


Atlas looks at the girl and replies. Eva frowns

Atlas: It is

Eva rolls her eyes

Girl: I'm Lynn. You are like the cutest guy on the internet

Lynn tries to give him a hug and he backs up

Atlas Looks at her confused

Atlas: umm Thank you

Lynn: Could I have ur number. Before u say no. Ik ur with her but u deserve me.

She eyes Eva up and down and rolls her eyes

Eva walks away

Atlas: no thanks

Atlas tries to go after her

Lynn grabs Atlas by the arm

Lynn: she isn't worth it

Atlas: Yeah she is. Pls let go of me

Lynn: No. She is ugly


The girl backs up and Atlas runs after Eva, who is now in the car. He opens his door

Atlas: Are we not going to shop

Eva: No. Let's go please

Atlas sits in his chair and closes the door

Atlas: Are we going to a new store

Eva: No. Take me home

Atlas: Why

Eva: Please. Just take me home

Atlas starts the car and he drives her to a little Cafe across the street

Eva: I said home

Atlas: IK

Atlas gets out of the car and opens her door

Eva: I'm not getting out

Atlas: Pls

Eva: No

Atlas pouts

Atlas: Pls

Eva: Eww. Fine

Eva gets out of the car and Atlas closes the door

They go into the Cafe

Atlas: Table for 2 pls

Waiter: Ofc. Follow me

They walk to a table for two and they sit down

Waiter: Here are your menu's. Can I get you guys anything to drink

Atlas: Iced tea for me pls

Eva: I'll just have a glass of water. No ice pls

Waiter: No problem. I'll be right back

Atlas and Eva look into their menu's and pick a dish

Eva reaches the table to grab her phone but Atlas gets it before her

Eva: Can I have my phone, Please

Atlas: Talk to me
He whines

Eva: Give me my phone

Atlas: What's wrong

Eva: Atlas

Atlas: C'mon babe. Pls tell me what's wrong

Eva sighs: Why were you engaging in her conversation

Atlas: Who

Eva: Leanne or whatever

Atlas: Lynn?

Eva: Yes

Atlas face palms himself

Atlas: Is that what is upsetting you

Eva nods: Ofc. Why didn't you just ignore her and end the conversation

Atlas: I wanted to be nice

Eva: Yeah but once she started saying that you were attractive and stuff, you should have left. You are so not observant

Atlas: I'm sorry

Eva: No, leave me alone and give me my phone

Atlas: I'm sorry, bebe. Forgive me. I will never talk to a flirty girl, other than you, again

He pinches her cheek and Eva slaps his arm away

Eva: I forgive you

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