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Pierson's POV

*Talking to Camera

Today is when we get to adopt our teenage girl. Yes we said adoption. Many of our fans don't know but, if you have been on our recent lives, you should know. We talk about it a little in our most recent videos too. The whole house is super excited, especially the kids. They are so excited to have an older sister. The boys wanted an older brother but the center we were looking at, didn't have any teenage boys. Luckily, we got them to understand. Brent and I are going to be the legal parents of her but, the house has decided to help us take care of her.  We are currently on the way to the Centre.

Brent: I can't wait you guys. This process has been such a long process. We decided to adopt almost 5ish months ago and it took so long to get our house approved

Pierson: But finally, we have been approved to re-adopt.

Brent: Yeah. I'm so excited though

Pierson: Me too. We'll see you guys when we arrive

Soon, they arrive at the adoption centre

Pierson: So... We are at the Centre guys. We aren't allowed to record inside but we'll try to get a video of us signing the papers.

Brent: See you guys soon

Nobody's POV

Brent and Pierson walk into the Centre and they are greeted by an administrator

*Time Skip*

Brent's POV

I am so happy we made this decision. It is going to be a surprise for everyone and even the house, because we didn't plan to adopt ********

This was mostly Pierson's idea but I couldn't resist it

Nobody's POV

They signed the papers and helped get the stuff into the car.

**** went inside to say goodbye to all *** friends and the caregivers

Brent picked up the camera

Brent: So, we have some news. We obviously signed the papers but we did something that was unplanned.

Pierson: This decision really changed our life because I might not have anymore kids.

Brent: We adopted...

Pierson: SIBLINGS. We ended up adopting a 15 year old girl and a 13 year old boy. We will post a story time soon but we will not be putting up any pictures of them until they are completely settled at their new home and we get permission from them

Brent: Yeah. We just want them to get used to living with us first. We don't want them to get hate. These 2 have a past and we want to help them overcome it. We don't want to trigger it by hate comments/posts.

Pierson: Yeah

Brent: They are on their way to the car.

Pierson: See you in the next video

Brent and Pierson: BYEEEEE

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