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It's currently 7:22am

*On Phone*

Kat: Hey Tehillah

Tehillah: Hey girl. How are you doing

Kat: I'm not doing so well

Tehillah: What happened

Kat: I'm still at 3 cm, the babies are going into distress, they sent Lexi, my mom and Pierson out, and they told me that we have to preform an emergency c-section in less than an hour

she starts to sob

Tehillah: Don't cry babe. Everything will be just fine. We love you so much and we are praying for you

Kat: Thanks. Is Leighton by you?

Tehillah: He's asleep. He slept in my room

Kat: Aww. Thanks so much. I really appreciate the love and support from the house

Tehillah: Girl don't even. We are family. I'll tell them the news

Kat: K, Thanks. Bye

Tehillah: Bye

She ends the call and waits for the doctor

Kat: Are you scared

Alan: I'm nervous, But I'm not trying to show it because I don't want you to feel worse. Ik everything will be fine though

Kat: I feel like I caused this

Alan: In what way

Kat: Idk

Alan: So it isn't your fault. We are going to have perfectly fine babies. The birth was just not how we planned it to be.

Kat: Okay

Alan: I love you

Kat: I love you too

Doctor: Kathleen, can we start getting you prepped. We don't want to wait longer

Kat: No problem

After they finish getting her prepped, they wheel her into the room and bring in the surgeon and anesthesiologist

Kat: Is it ok if my husband signs all the papers? I'm kind of shaky rn

Doctor: No problem. Just calm down and have the mindset that everything will be alright

Kat: Thanks

15 mins later

Surgeon: Ok, I'm making the incision. If you feel any pain at all, tell me.

Kat: I don't feel any pain

Surgeon: Great

Alan whispers: Oh my gosh babe. They are cutting your belly.

Kat: Shut it

Kat then has a thought come to her mind

Kat: Is there a chance where you could accidentally cut the baby with the scalpel?

Doctor: There is a chance, but it is highly unlikely

Kat: Okay

After minutes of silence and chit-chat from the workers, they hear a mighty scream from behind the curtain

Doctor: Congrat on your Baby Boy. Born at 8:32am on August 24th, 20XX

They bring the baby from behind the curtain, and put him on Kat

Kat: Oh my gosh Hi baby. You are so cute

Alan was already crying

Kat: How are you crying before me

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