telling the boys

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Lexi: Hey people

Eva: We got a surprise for you allllllllllllll

Ben: What is wrong with you guys

Alex: What is it

LexiZ: Y'all are acc gonna be so happy to hear this

Pierson: Yeah Y’all should be excited

Atlas: so are you guys gonna tell us or not

Juanpa: my question exactly

Brent: why are you guys stalling

Sofie: Relax

Kat: they are no fun

Tehillah: and too serious

Dom: k come back online when you guys are ready to explain

Alan: yeah bye

Katie: wait omds

Lexi: Eva explain

Eva: why me 


Ben: are you guys gonna tell us or not

Alex: they are doing this on purpose

Pierson: I’ll explain

Pierson: So as mothers, we have decided to take a break from being mommies and get some us time. We are going on a trip to a private island

Juanpa: liars

Brent: 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Dom: you guys aren’t being serious

Sofie: what’s funny

Kat: what’s funny is how we’ve alr booked this and they aren’t taking us seriously

Alan: wait y’all are being serious

Ben: They can’t be

Tehillah: ofc we are

Katie: the grandparents will come once a day to help out

Lexi: We alr asked and they said they are more than happy to help

Eva: they even agreed that we needed a break

Alex: no no nooooo

Atlas: how will we deal with the routines and stuff

Juanpa: and the food

Lexiz: well dom, eva and kat’s sisters planned to alternate and bring food on the days

Pierson: and they cook better than all of us

Sofie: We’ve planned everything guys

Kat: yeah we’ve even booked our little bungalow

Tehillah: we just need to book the jet cuz it’s a private island

Brent: okkkkk i see you guys. I honestly have no problem

Dom: If you guys planned everything for us, we’ll be ok too

Jeremy: wait did i miss

Alan: my guy you gotta read the messages

Katie: omds

Lexi: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Eva: 🤣🤣🤣🤣

LexiZ: 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ben: so are you guys taking security

Pierson: it’s a secured island so we don’t have to

Sofie: Yup

Alex: So you guys have really planned this

Atlas: yeahhh, I want you guys to stay but you are right, you guys do a lot for us and deserve a break

Juanpa: yeah i agree

Jeremy: I think y’all should just go and never return.

Dom: ok not that extreme man, we still need them

Jeremy: I'm playimg

Alan: yeah, can’t wait to hear kyrie screaming for lexi

Lexi: leave my boi alone

Ben: 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Brent: So are you guys taking Burklee, since she is turning 16 in two weeks. We can take her shopping for the trip too cuz she loves shopping

Eva: and get that girl some new braids because she wants me to help her take her old ones out this weekend


Katie: shes a kid but she’s funny

Kat: she honestly deserves a break too

Sofie: she helps a lot in the house and stuff

Lexiz: we can take her out for dinner too

Pierson: So we'll take her shopping, get her hair done, and go on vacation and we can surprise her with some stuff on her wishlist for her birthday

Brent: ok you guys can go


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