Why me??

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*This chapter was not to make anyone feel uncomfortable. It was not to mock anyone because Ik this topic is actually serious.*

Lexi's POV

I was peacefully sleeping, when I felt something between my legs.

Kyrie was sleeping with us so I thought it was his foot. I reached down to move his foot when I touched something wet.

I Quickly sat up, causing me to get dizzy. I looked at my hand and saw this wet substance. It was to dark for me to see it so I smelt it. It smelt disgusting. I carefully tried to walk to the bathroom but I was so dizzy that I fell

Nobody's POV

Ben: Who is it

Lexi: It's me babe

Ben rushs over to turn the lights on

Ben: Babe, are you o-

Lexi: I fell

Ben: Why are you bleeding

Lexi: Where

She looked in her lap and saw the blood

Lexi gasps

Lexi: I thought I peed myself

Ben: Are you on your period

Lexi: I ended it 2 weeks ago

Ben: You might be early

Lexi: I'm always so on point though

Ben: How did you fall

Lexi: Well I woke up and thought I peed so I was about to go clean myself up and fell because of dizziness

Ben: You feel dizzy

Lexi: A lot

Ben: Maybe we should go to the hospital

Lexi: Why though

Ben: You bled early and ur dizzy

Lexi: Ok ig

Ben: Do u think you can stand

Lexi tries to stand and Ben gives her a hand

Lexi stumbles and Ben places her on the bed

Lexi: Thanks

Ben: Babe, we need to go

Lexi: Well, we need to clean up first

Ben: We can do that once we come back

Lexi: No Ben, It's blood

Ben: Ok, sit on the chair. I'll clean up but, try to get dressed

Lexi: Ok. Can you get me something to wear

Ben: Yeah. Take this water

He gives the water to her and finds her a pair of sweatpants, one of his shirt and her wallet

Atlas: Is everything ok. Its almost 5 am

Ben: She's bleeding. I've got to take her to the hospital. I don't have much time to explain but you could really help me out by taking Ky to his room and telling the house when they wake up. We'll call when we get a chance

Atlas: Ok bro. No problem. Everything will be alright

Atlas takes Kyrie to his room, while Ben does the bed

Lexi: Ouch babe. My head hurts so bad

Ben: K. I'll finish the bed later. Let's go

Ben helps Lexi stand

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