The talk

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Pierson's POV
We were on the way from the apple store. Brent and I decided to surprise Jaiden and Burklee with phones. As we were paying, Shani was getting really cranky. I took her out of the cart, and took her to the car. 

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked. Even though I knew she was crying because it was around her nap time, I still wanted her to talk. Brent and I notice that it is taking her a bit of time to speak and we make sure to talk to her a lot, but again, she is only 1 year and a half old. I buckled her up in her car seat and gave her a lukewarm bottle of milk. 

"What do you say?"
"Fank you." She replied.
"Your welcome."

As I closed her door and sat in my seat, my phone started to ring. It was from Greyson and Ivanna's ipad. 

I answered and saw Burklee on the other end

"Hey, Burklee. What's up, Honey?"

Brent walked into the car

Nobody's POV

Burklee: Where are you and Dad?

Pierson: We went grocery shopping. Is everything okay?

Burklee: Yeah don't worry. I want to tell you something when you get home? Is that okay? You don't have to obviously but I feel like I can trust you with this

Pierson: Ofc hun. I am working hard to build a motherly relationship with you. You can tell me anything. Do you want to talk to your dad and I?

Burklee: Would it be okay if I just talked to you? You could tell him after but, I'm uncomfortable with saying it to his face.

Pierson: Ofc. Is your brother doing okay?

Burklee: Yeah. He's gaming with some of the uncles right now. Ivanna and Greyson are outside with the other kids. I was just with Ahvi.

Pierson: Okay. I hope you aren't too overwhelmed with the amount of kids

Burklee: NO. They are so cute. I already love them so much.

Pierson: Ok. We'll be home in about 5 minutes. Bye

Burklee: Bye

Pierson hangs up and puts her phone in her bag

Pierson: Now, I'm scared

Brent: Don't be. It's probably about her past. Or maybe she wants something

Pierson: Are you offended

Brent: No. I know that they still need time to cope with the adoption and such a huge family. It doesn't really bother me.

Pierson: Ok

A couple minutes later, they arrive home

Brent: I'll give Jaiden his phone. You can give Burklee her phone after you talk to her

Pierson: Okay

Pierson takes a sleeping Shaniqua out of her car seat and Brent takes her bottle

When they get inside, they notice that everyone is in the backyard

Brent: Go Talk to her

Pierson: Ok

Pierson takes Shani to her room and then she walks to Burklee's room.

Pierson knocks: Burklee?

Burklee: I'm in here

Pierson: Can I come in?

Burklee: Yeah

Pierson takes some quick deep breaths before opening the door

Pierson: Hey, Sweetheart. What's up

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