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Melody's pov

I'm in the Mall doing some last minute shopping. Looking for something for Apollo. I got all of his gifts already. But I to get something really special for him and I can't find it. Sighing walking into the jewelry store I pout.

"Hi," the guy said and I nod "hi. I'm looking for a male nugget rings," I said "but I don't want the regular ones. I want something most people won't have," I said and he nodded he showed me what he got.

I looked at them frown after the sixth racked I smiled picking it up. "This one," I said. "Ooh umm that's over three thousand dollars," he said and I waved him off. "Can I also get it engraved?" I asked looking at him and he nod yes. I also got Apollo's wedding band it was done early.

"He's a lucky man," the guy said and I nod "he knows," I said. Telling him what I want put on it. As I waited looking at my phone rolling my eyes at the ten missed calls from Apollo. He's been riding me since the car accident. He already picks me up and drop me off everywhere. On top of that we share our location to each other.

I get that he's worried but and it was scary situation for him to get that call. But damn he is stressing me out. I called him back "hello baby," I said. "Hey where you at?" He asked me. "I'm at the mall... where you dropped me off" I said making him laugh "I know baby where in the mall," he said "I'm not telling you that will ruin the surprise," I said playing my engagement ring.

"Fine I'll be by the food court waiting for you," he said making me frown. "Apollo you dropped me twenty minutes ago. There's no way you're done with everything you're supposed to do," I told him frowning a bit. "I'm not but," I sighed "baby I am fine really I am. You don't have to babysit me I know you're worried. I know I scared you but baby you have to relax," I told him when I saw the guy came back to the front.

I put my fingers on my lips telling him to shhh. He wrote don't the amount I paid for it with my card. Then tip like fifty bucks it's the holiday's I always try and tip people a little extra around this time. I got the bag looked at the ring one more time. Then stuffing the bag inside my purse.

Walking to the food court with Apollo still on the phone with me. "I know baby," I told him as he tries to explain why he's so over protective. I can see him from where I'm at I also see this girl trying her hardest to get his attention. "Baby that woman about to toss you her panties," I said laughed making him frown and look around.

"Don't start she followed me in, wait where are you?" He stood looking around when his eyes landed on me. I swore I felt his love from across the room. Hanging up my phone I walked over to him letting him hug me and kiss all over my face. Like we didn't see each other a half hour ago.

We sat down and spoke "baby," I said "I know I know but Melody that was a terrifying experience for me. The only time I ever want to see you in a hospital bed. Is when you're giving birth to our kids," he said making me smile playfully rolling my eyes.

"You and these kids boy," I said "what I need at least six," he said making me laugh "what are we going to do with six kids?" I asked him "spoiled them I make enough to spoiled six kids and my wife. Also for us to live comfortably. Plus my wife who won't quit her job sadly," he said glancing at me. "Makes enough money to add for the kids. With your income we can have eight!" He said more excited my eyes widen. "Eight?" I asked. "Yup our house is four bedrooms two to the kids in each room," Apollo said and laughed

"Boy I'm not pushing out eight kids," I said and he pout. "Fine six it is," he said making me laugh "four," I said he frown then smirked. "We'll see twins run in my family," he said making me shake my head. "Come on I'm hungry," I said standing up. "How's your arm?" He asked me. "It's okay don't hurt that much," I told him as we walked to the car.

Holding hands "what do you wanna eat baby," he asked me. "I want to cook," I said "nope I'll call ours moms to cook," he said making me pout "no they will never leave and I want some dick," I said making him smirk. "I can give you that in the car," he told me making me laugh at him.

"Nope!" I said walking off we got in the car. "Did they finished the condo for your parents yet?" I asked Apollo as he drove then nod yes. "When your mom stuff coming," I asked "urg it will be here on the week before Christmas," he said making me laugh.

"Rjay called me asked me for a job," I said and he glanced at me. "If you give him a job you can't go easy on him. You have to treat him like you treat everyone else." He said and I hmm. "Okay baby," I said as he rubbed my thigh.

"Apollo," I called out "yeah," he asked. "You know how much I love you?" I asked him and he hmm. "I can always feel when your energy shift. Tell me what wrong," I said looking at him. He parked in a parking lot.

I took off my seatbelt he pushed his seat back and I claimed on his lap. "I just I could had lost you. Twice Melody that was the second time," he whispered and I nod hugging him. "But I'm okay and I'm healthy we're happy." I said looking in his eyes. I kissed each cheek "if you want I can just live in your skin," I said with a little smile making him laugh. "And we can be joined at the hip," I said and he mush my face. "Hey!" I said "God I love you," he said kissing me.

Pulling away I smiled at him "get in your seat," he said and I did. We pulled off but we're going the wrong way. "Where are we going?" I asked him. He drove to the court house and I frown. "Apollo," I asked.

"I'm marrying you today! Our mothers can still plan our wedding all they want. But I'm not going another day with you being my wife," he said and I smiled because in all honesty. This is the wedding I wanted to begin with. I already had on a nice dress and they touched my ankle.

I took my makeup bag out the back seat because I always leave make up in this car. Fixing my self up and we went and got married. I give him the wedding band that I bought for him. But kept the nugget ring for Christmas.

Then when we were driving home I said "they are going to kill us," I said making Apollo laugh.

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