Chapter one: Sorrow

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3rd person

It was 11:37 in the morning one June 13th when Katherine King's water broke. Her sister, Katlynn, drove her to the hospital to deliver a 42 week baby. Once the doctors had Katherine in the dilvery room the delivery began. Hours of screaming went on while the young child was born. Once Katherine's beautiful baby girl was born, she got the news. Katherine's husband, John, was a fire fighter and it turned out he died on the job. He went into a burning building to rescue a family but the whole building collapsed onto of him. For years Katherine hated both her children. She had a daughter already when John died. For years Katherine cried and drowned her sorrows in liquor. When her two girls turned ten and eleven they moved. The house they moved to had a long drive way with fence lining it. The house was white, and two stories tall. It was in mostly secluded area where few cars ever drove, and all around in a 75 meter radius were trees. For just about a year both of Katherine's girls happy, and they loved the trees, but when they turned thirteen and fourteen life became dark. Katherine beat her girls with empty beer bottles, and treated them like the skum you'd scrape from the bottom of your boot. For four more year the girls put up with all this nonsense, and put up with being slaves. One one special day in the end of May their lives took a turn for the worst. They didn't have a clue why this was happening to them, but they'd soon find out. They never thought that they would end up like this, or even end up loving the monsters they do.

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