Chapter 8

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Heather dashed into the Maze as the Maze is slowly closing. She manages to get inside the Maze as Alejandro was on his knees, beside to Geoff. She was on the ground and breathing heavily. Alejandro looked down at her and was breathing heavily. He looked at her and slowly says "congratulations. You're stuck here now. Just for the night."

Heather looked around and slowly stood up. She then looked down at Geoff. Geoff was unconscious and doesn't have his cowboy hat on. Heather was in shocked to see him like that and slowly asked "the hell happen to him?!". Alejandro got up and carefully carried him. "Me and him were looking for Izzy's footsteps and then, he got attacked by a Griever."

Heather slowly helps him carry Geoff and says "But how are we gonna get out now?!". As the two carry him, Alejandro says " We wait until morning. No one has ever survived inside the maze at night.". Heather was in shocked a bit as she heard the words.

No one has ever survived inside the maze
At night.

Meanwhile outside the Maze, everyone was in shocked. Heather went inside the maze in a attempt to save Alejandro and Geoff. Even the Runners were in shocked. "She..she went inside the Maze.." Cody said as he was in shocked. Some looked down in shocked. Courtney then rubbed her head and says "We need to wait until morning but for now! We have to go back to what we were doing!".

Meanwhile in the Maze, Alejandro and Heather were carrying Geoff still and they stopped to rest for a moment. Heather was kneeling and resting while Alejandro was sitting next to the Unconscious Geoff. "We need to find somewhere to hide." Alejandro said as he looked at Heather.

"But where?" Heather asked as she looked around. There was only vines. And plant- like grass. The walls are covered in both. As she looked around, she tries to find a idea to where they can hide for the night. Night is about to fall soon and they needed to hurry. As they slowly hurry, They went right and left to find some shelter.

But they couldn't.

Night has finally fall and Heather, Alejandro, and Geoff are the first people to be in the maze, at night. Alejandro and Heather were carrying Geoff still and were struggling.

"We need to stop here for a moment." Alejandro said as the two slowly put Geoff down. They were breathing heavily and struggling. Heather looked around and Alejandro rubbed his head. "Geoff is unconscious still. We need to do something like hide him." Heather said as she suddenly looked up and saw the vines.

Alejandro looked up also and the two would look at each other. They had a idea.

Get Geoff on a string of vine, pull him up and hide him.

The two were pulling Geoff with the vine string. Pulling and pulling. Geoff was unconscious still and on a vine harness. Alejandro and Heather were pulling still and groaning as they did. But Heather doesn't know that at night, Grievers come out. It's bad. As they kept pulling, Heather rubbed her head with one hand. She was getting another flashback.

She and Jen were looking at water tanks with teenagers in it. They were looking and looking as Blaineley was talking to Chris. "They are still being tested but they should know that this was them bp in the water tanks before they finally came out." Chris said as Blaineley looked over.

Heather was looking still as Jen tilts her head and looked at Heather slowly. "Heather, is this what's gonna happen to us?" She asked as Heather looked back at her. The two looked at each other as Jen felt like she wanted to cry. Heather then shook her head and says "No. it won't happen. We just. Gotta keep working.".

Jen looked down and asked "how come they are inside the water tanks while we are out?". Heather looked again and says "I don't know but for now, we gotta do so this doesn't happen to us."

"Heather..I don't wanna be one."

"Be what?"

"A Test Subject."

"Jen, We won't."



As the flashback slowly ends, Heather hears her name echoed. "Heather!" Alejandro said as he looked around. Heather suddenly came back and looked at him. "What?". Alejandro hands her the vine string and says "I need to check something. Stay here and remember to hide from the Grievers.". He runs off as Heather yelled "Hey! Where do I hide though!?".

Alejandro ran off as Heather had to do what he told her to. She groaned as she pulled the string still. As she did, she was all alone with The unconscious Geoff. It was all darkish but as she continued, a sudden growl was heard. Heather stopped and looked around. She then realized what Alejandro told her to do.

Hide from the Grievers.

Heather immediately rushed and hides under the vines as the growl grows more further. She was hiding under the vines as the Griever finally arrived. She saw it but only peaked. The Griever was huge. Like what Cameron said earlier.

a creature in the Maze that has spikes, shears, and rods. It also has a stringer that looks like a syringe

Heather was hiding as the Griever was walking around, Growling. She peaked a bit as it was growling and walking. The Griever slowly walks away fully as Heather gets out quickly. As she did, she continued to do what she was doing. Geoff was half way up and Heather groaned. She paused for a moment and looked around.

She looked around still. She suddenly steps on weird gooey stuff. She wanted to gag but she couldn't. She shook her boots a bit and looked around. She isn't aware that Griever is above her. The Griever was growling and as it did, the gooey stuff fell on her shoulder. She looked over and touched it.

As she did, she suddenly looked up.

It was the same Griever from earlier when she was hiding.

The Griever lands as Heather fell. The Griever growled at her as Heather screamed. She immediately got up and started to run off. The Griever chases after her as Heather was running for her life.

Running and running
Like if she was a Runner (in which In very soon chapters, she will be!)

She ran in full speed, going left and right in the Maze. She stops and sees a vine line. She climbs as the Griever was behind her still. The Griever slowly climbs up as Heather is on top of the Maze but not fully. She was running still as the Griever was still behind her. She then comes to a end as she looked down and looked up to sees vines.

She didn't have a choice but to jump onto it. She ran and jumped onto the vines. She screamed as she hanged onto the vine. The Griever spots her and jumps but slightly fell. Heather tried to fight back but she couldn't. The Griever gets its stinger ready and almost stung her but the vines couldn't hold any longer.

The vines fall as Heather screamed. Luckily, the Vines managed to get the Griever all tangled up. Heather walks backwards and as she did, Alejandro bumps into her. "Heather! I was looking for you! Where were you?" He asked as Heather looked at him and says "Getting chased! By a Griever!".

The two saw the Griever as it slowly gets out. Alejandro then grabs Heather by the hand and drags her. The two ran as the Griever roared loudly. "Where's Geoff!?" Alejandro asked as Heather said "Still hanging in the vine!". The two were running and suddenly, Heather let's go of his hand.

The maze is suddenly changing its section and path. Alejandro runs and gets to the other side as he saw Heather standing. The Griever was behind her. "Come and get me." Heather said as she ran. The Path was about to close as Heather slowly gets the Griever chasing her again. "Heather! Come on!" Alejandro shouted as Heather screamed.

As the Path slowly closes, Alejandro screamed her name.


Note: There we go, folks! Chapter 8 is finally out! Two chapters in one day yet again. And yeah, I did make Alejandro drag Heather so the two wouldn't get hurt by the Griever. Anyways! Hope you enjoy!))

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