Chapter 7

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It was nighttime and Heather was laying down in her hammock. She was only wearing her white sleeveless shirt, black pants, and was bare foot again. She was looking at her bandaged wound and started to still questioned about what Izzy said. She looked around as a few people were awake still and half of them were asleep.

Heather rubbed her head slowly and she slowly closes her eyes, hoping for a goodnight sleep. Suddenly, she starts having flashbacks again.

The same spot

She was wearing the same clothing and working on a 3D screen, checking the anatomy of the test subjects. Blaineley and Chris were looking at the two as they talked. "So you are saying that?" Blaineley asked Chris as he says "We may have to separate the two. Bonding in a middle of a test won't help us find a cure. Besides, we are challenging them."

Chris walks over to the two and slowly pulls them up. "I need to show you two something." He said as the two girls looked up at him and got up. Chris looked up at the water tanks that has the test subjects in it. He then takes them to a examination room to get their blood draw again.

All the sudden, Heather was breathing heavily as she was tied down on the table. Some doctors were  looking down at her as the lights were on. She struggled to move around and looked over at the youngish girl. She was breathing heavily also and had a oxygen mask on. She looked over at Heather and slowly tried reaching her hand out.


Heather was struggling and slowly looked up. Blaineley looked down at her and says "It's alright. I told you it was simple."

"Take Jen to a room and test her on her running." Blaineley said as the doctors nodded slowly take Jen to a room. Jen looked back at Heather and reached her hand out again.


Suddenly, Heather woke up with a jolt. She was awake and looked around. Everyone was asleep still but she looked over at the maze entrance. She saw Geoff and Alejandro slowly preparing. Courtney, Harold, Sierra, Mike, Duncan, And Lightning were looking at the two,
Geoff looked at Courtney and says "I want you to take over until I come back, Courtney.".

Courtney nodded in agreement and says "I will but when you come back, you need to give us information on what happened to Izzy.". "At least come back soon, you two. Better not be the first people to be stuck in the maze at night." Harold said as Alejandro and Geoff slowly nodded.

The Maze opens at last and the two would run inside. The six watched as they soon go back to what they were doing. Heather looked and rubbed her neck.

It was daylight and everyone was working. Courtney was working with Lindsay while Heather, Sierra, Gwen, Noah, Dawn, and Cody were with them. Heather was sitting in a log next to Gwen and Sierra while Cody was sitting in the grass with Noah and Dawn. Courtney was cutting a tree down with Lindsay.

Heather looked at Courtney and she slowly asked "Why did Geoff go into the Maze with Alejandro? He's not a runner." Courtney looked at her and says "He went into the Maze to track down Izzy's footsteps." Courtney then asked "Are you just gonna sit there and not help out?".
Heather looked and adds "But that doesn't make any sense.".

Noah looked up at her and says "you wanna know something? All of us expect you and Cody have been here for 3 years. Cody was only here for 6 months now and you have been here for 2 days already. But a friendly reminder, the Runners have been trying to find a way out for 3 years.".

"Yeah! 3 years and no clue at all! I'm a Map- Maker but still! We been looking and we still are!" Sierra added. "Yeah. You wanna know something? Geoff was the first person here and spent a whole month here all alone." Gwen said as she folded her arms. "Pretty much but once more of us came, he was trying to find the truth." Courtney said as she was cutting down the tree slowly with Lindsay.

"One by one, we been looking for a way out. Sigh, it's been hard but hopefully at any moment, we can find a way out." Gwen said as Dawn added "but at the same time, the Maze is a dangerous place.". They all nodded in agreement but then, Courtney asked "But you wanna know something else?".

Heather looked at her as She says "we all have each other. That's the one thing. It's a important thing for all of us.". Courtney looked back at Heather and asked again if she was gonna help her cut the tree. Heather stopped for a moment and slowly got up. She was holding a machete and she kneel down to cut the tree.

"Impressive job, Greenie or is it Heather?" Noah said as Cody said "It's Heather. Her name!". Courtney was somehow impressed as she looked down at Heather and says "That's it! Good work, Heather.". As they continued to work, Heather started to feel concerned about Geoff and Alejandro.

They were supposed to come back already but it's taking a while. "Don't worry, Heather! They will be back soon! But hopefully soon before lunch starts." Sierra said as she got up. Heather looked over at the Maze, which was opened still. It was getting cloudy already and could rain at any moment.

As the hour passes, everyone already had lunch and were inside the homestead from the rain. As it rained, Heather was inside with Cody, Courtney, Sierra, Duncan, Zoey, Mike and Gwen while the rest were in different spots.

Jo was with Eva, Lightning, Tyler, Harold, Bridgette, and Scott inside.

As the rain kept going, Heather asked Courtney "You said they were supposed to be back! What is taking them so long?". Courtney looked at her and says "I don't know! But when the rain is over, we all need to go check!".

The rain finally passes and everyone was outside the Maze. The Maze was still open and everyone waited. As they waited, Lightning says "Sha-dang, they were supposed to be back by now! What is going on?". Duncan folded his arms and says "maybe they are lost or taking too long.".

Suddenly, the Maze makes a sudden closing noise. The wind blows towards the Glade s the maze is about to close. Everyone suddenly gasped and looked around. As they did, Heather shouts "There they are!". She spots Alejandro and Geoff. But something was wrong. Geoff looked like he was unconscious.

Alejandro was struggling to carry him as the other suddenly noticed. "Oh no. Something went wrong." Courtney said as everyone looked. Cody then yells "COME ON, ALEJANDRO! YOU CAN DO IT!". Everyone yelled for him as he still struggled to carry him. He slowly picks him up and groaned.


Everyone was chatting him and telling him to get out of the Maze and leave Geoff behind. Heather was hearing everyone yelling as Alejandro struggled to carry the unconscious Geoff. As the Maze begins to close, Heather dashed in to help


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