Dragon Clan - Part 8 - Thorin x Reader

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(Y/n) absentmindedly pushed the greenery around her plate, ignoring the complaints of the dwarves about the food they had been served by their elven hosts. Dwalin demanding to know where the meat was, while Ori enquired if they had any chips. It wasn't that she was averse to vegetables, unlike the others she was with; it was more due to the fact that the words of the lord of Imladris were still going around and around in her head; the last of her kind watching as Lord Elrond and Gandalf finally made an appearance.......... But it is not with one of your own kind, that you continue your line.......he had said, while holding her hand. Yet if not with one of her own kind.........then with whom? (Y/n) finally turning her attention to the dwarves that sat around the table, as an amused laughter rang out; the cause of which, seemingly having something to do with Kili and his inability to tell the difference between ellons and elleths.

She had to admit that there were a number of them that she would think of as handsome. Fili and Kili obviously, both younger princes were quite easy on the eye. And then there was Bofur, the toymaker having quite a way about him; the fact that he had often made her laugh without knowing it, that he would smile at her when he didn't think that the others were looking, had led (Y/n) to find him quite appealing. And then there was Dwalin................a dwarf that would be far better if he didn't huff and grumble as much as he did. But, if she was interested in grizzled dwarves, then Dwalin would be the one that her eye would fall on; yet she could not imagine herself with any of them. So............that left one, in her opinion. One that had always stood out from the rest, and not just because he had seemed to dislike her the most; not just because he was the leader of the group, nor because he was the would be King under the Mountain, but because he was one of the most handsome males that she had ever laid eyes on. And as she had seen many a handsome dwarf, beautiful elf and pretty man, that was saying something. The dragon child watching as Thorin got to his feet and made his way away from the group. (Y/n) deciding to follow after him, as Bofur climbed on top of the table, and began to sing. The rest of the Company clapping and joining in with the tune. The last of the Dragon Clan dodging a bread roll, as it flew through the air.


"Beautiful......isn't it.............?" A voice came from behind him. Thorin turning to see (Y/n) make her way up to him. The prince huffing slightly at the remark.

"If you like such things............." Thorin replied, as he turned his attention back to the waterfall. Moving over slightly, as she came to join him, leaning against the balcony.

"This is my first time in Rivendell too. Really, in any land of the elves. I have fought against them.......with them over the years; but was never been fortunate enough to see the places where they lived. Though I of course had heard things, as I have heard things about the Lonely Mountain. Heard of its splendour. The breathtaking sight of it, as it overshadows everything around it. Things such as the Elvenking's halls, Long Lake, River Running and Forest River, paling in comparison, to the home of the Durin Folk. And that is just the outside............"

"You would not believe how beautiful our home truly is..........." Thorin interrupted quietly. (Y/n) choosing to remain silent and hope that he would continue.

"There are towering columns, expansive arches, sweeping staircase, huge halls and gigantic statues cut from the living rock itself, by our ancestors. The torches would pick up the seams of gold, that made their way through the rock, and the jewels would make the ceiling appear as though they were stars set in a night sky. It is where we belong........where we should be. And I will not stop until the Lonely Mountain is ours once more..............."

"And I will do all that I can to help you achieve that. I know what it is to lose your home, your friends, and the people you love. To have everything that you have ever cared about, taken from you. I know that we may not have had the best first meeting. That you may not like what or who I am; but perhaps, Thorin Oakenshield, you might find that you and I have more in common than you might think. That despite out obvious differences, underneath it all, we are not so dissimilar. So, I will face the dragon that holds your home. I will speak to him, and if he will not leave of his own accord, then the last of the fire drakes and the last of the dragon clan, will perhaps end their days together. Though I do hope that it will not come to that............." The dragon child told the prince. Thorin turning to look at her. (Y/n) giving him a soft smile, as they stood there for a few moments; the light of the moon bathing the pair in its gentle glow. The would be king, feeling the urge to reach up and place his hand on her cheek. To step forward, removing the distance that was between them, so that he could kiss her.

"I should leave you................" (Y/n) finally continued, stepping back slightly.

"I am sure that you wanted to be alone. That, and I should go and see the mess that the others have made. I have a feeling that the food fight that you missed, will be over by now............" The dragon child added with a soft chuckle. Only able to imagine the horrified looks on the faces of the elves, at she would find when she got back to the rest of the Company.

"Good night...........my king..............." Thorin finding himself smiling slightly, as (Y/n) bowed, before turning and leaving him with his thoughts. Thoughts that were now just not on reclaiming his home; but claiming other things too.  

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