Unusual hero - Part 2 - Kili x Reader

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"Is she any better?" Fili asked, as he looked down onto the female in the bed.

"She hasn't moved. She is barely breathing, and her skin is as cold as snow.............what do you think.............?" Kili snapped, before pushing his brother's hand from his shoulder.

Fili couldn't blame his brother for being short with him. He, just like all the others knew that Kili hadn't slept since all this had happened. He hadn't eaten, and had barely had anything to drink. The younger prince not wanting to leave (Y/n)'s side for even a moment just in case she were to wake..........or worse.

"Yes..........of course. Kili, I...........I have something to tell you. Something that might help.................."

"What.............!?" The dark-haired prince exclaimed, his head snapping around to look at his brother. Fili taken aback by how his younger sibling appeared. It obvious that he had been crying. The dark shadows under his eye making him somehow look older than he actually was. His own skin seeming much paler than it had been.

"Gandalf went to speak to the Mirkwood King. He wanted to know why he had asked uncle Thorin to order her to stay in his kingdom..............Why she seemed so important to him............" The golden-haired prince continued, as he took a chair from the corner of the room and placed it next to his brothers.

"And...............?" A desperate Kili pushed, hoping that this was going somewhere.

"And Thranduil explained what she..........what (Y/n) really is. Thranduil wanted her to stay in Mirkwood, because she is a dryad. She's a wood nymph, a spirit of the trees. That's why you found her where you did. He thought that she could help heal Mirkwood. That if she remained with him, she could combat the dark magic of the necromancer that lies over his kingdom." Fili explained, as his brother looked between he and the ashen form in the bed. Finding it hard to believe what he was hearing, especially as he had never heard of a creature called a dryad.

"Thranduil said, that the only way that she might be restored to health, was if we could get her back to her own woods..............."

"Get her back............? Do you want to kill her, is that it........? Do you know how far away those woods are? (Y/n) would never last the journey. Do you want to take her away from me? You do, don't you...........because you're jealous!" Kili exclaimed angrily, as he jumped to his feet; glaring at his older brother as he stood over him.

Deep down, Kili knew that he wasn't thinking straight. He knew that Fili, that his brother wouldn't do anything like that; but fatigue, despair and guilt had been gnawing at him ever since he had seen (Y/n) fall in aid of his uncle. When he had watched her sacrifice herself so that the dwarves could prevail. He had hated his uncle for a short time, believing that Thorin should have pushed her away. Should have stopped her from doing what she did. But then, the hatred, the blame had fallen on his own shoulders. Kili angry at himself for not being by her side when she had needed him. And now, as he looked at Fili, he had found the perfect outlet for all the feelings that he had been bottling up. The one closest to him becoming the stunned, innocent receiver of the bile and venom that was continuing to pass the dark prince's lips. Kili suddenly feeling more exhausted than he had ever done, as the last words, of hurt and anger hung in the air. The young dwarf finally falling back into his seat, his head dropping onto the bed by (Y/n)'s side. His words now replaced by uncontrollable sobbing.

Fili took a deep breath. Never before had Kili said such things to him. It was true that they had had arguments, it was only to be expected, they were siblings. But no matter what he had just said, no matter what Kili had just accused him of, he knew that he didn't mean it. That if.............no, when (Y/n) got better, Kili would apologise for all that he had said. That he would want to make it up to him. And Fili knew that he would tell him that the best way to make amends, was for him to be happy with (Y/n). Was for his brother to place his beads in her hair, and make her a real part of their family.

"I...............I know............I know that she wouldn't make it, Kili. And so does Gandalf. So.............well he has been away. He knew that we could not take the dryad back to her woods, so.............he has brought some of her wood here." Fili explained. Giving his brother a reassuring soft smile, as he looked up and did his best to rub the tears from his eyes.

"What.........? How................?" Kili questioned. His brows furrowing, as Fili opened his hand and showed him what was nestled in his palm.

"It................its an acorn. Gandalf said that he took it from the oldest tree in the woods where you found (Y/n). He said, that if you plant it here at Erebor, it might help her." Fili explained, as he placed the seed in his brother's hand.

"Do..........do I plant it on the mountainside............?"

"No, Gandalf said that he has ensure that it will grow in the mountain. That if we find just the right spot, then the tree will grow and become as much a part of it as we are. Uncle Thorin...........well, all of us found what we think is the perfect spot. We've been breaking through the rock, bringing earth in from outside; building up a wall to protect it. Now..........now all we need is for you to plant it.............."

"But (Y/n). I can't...........I can't leave her. Can't you..............?"

"No...........Gandalf said it has to be you. For the magic to work, for the tree to grow, the one that has to plant the seed is you." Fili interjected. Wrapping his brother's fingers carefully around the acorn.

"I'm sure that (Y/n) won't mind if you leave her for a few moment." The pale haired prince continued, as he looked at (Y/n), his brother doing the same. Kili knowing that he didn't want to move from her side, but if this could help, if having part of her wood within the Lonely Mountain would bring her back to him, then he would do it. The youngest Durin slowly getting to his feet. His lips connecting softly with (Y/n)'s forehead.

"Don't leave me. I will be right back." Kili whispered to the ashen and motionless dryad, before turning to his brother.

"Show me where....................."   

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